Bell Ringer 1. Provide the Products for the following reactions: a.HNO 3 + Ca(OH) 2  b.LiOH + H 3 PO 4  c.HC 2 H 3 O 2 + NaOH  2. What acid was used.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer 1. Provide the Products for the following reactions: a.HNO 3 + Ca(OH) 2  b.LiOH + H 3 PO 4  c.HC 2 H 3 O 2 + NaOH  2. What acid was used to make the following salts? a.Mg( C 3 H 5 O 3 ) 2 b.Ba( SO 4 )

Naming Acids & Bases

Ionic Naming Review  Acids have names that are slightly different than the ionic naming rules we learned before  Acids always have hydrogen as the cation and some other anion  Bases simply use the same rules we learned before.  Bases always have OH -1 as the anion with some metal as the cation

Ionic Naming Review Cation Anion Formula Name H + Cl -1 HCl H + Br -1 HBr H + I -1 HI H + CN -1 HCN H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3

Ionic Naming Review Cation Anion Formula Name H + Cl -1 HCl Hydrogen H + Br -1 HBr Hydrogen H + I -1 HIHydrogen H + CN -1 HCN Hydrogen H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 Hydrogen H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 Hydrogen H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 Hydrogen H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 Hydrogen H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 Hydrogen H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 Hydrogen H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 Hydrogen H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3 Hydrogen

Ionic Naming Review Cation Anion Formula Name H + Cl -1 HCl Hydrogen chloride H + Br -1 HBr Hydrogen bromide H + I -1 HIHydrogen iodide H + CN -1 HCN Hydrogen H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 Hydrogen H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 Hydrogen H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 Hydrogen H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 Hydrogen H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 Hydrogen H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 Hydrogen H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 Hydrogen H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3 Hydrogen

Ionic Naming Review Cation Anion Formula Name H + Cl -1 HCl Hydrogen chloride H + Br -1 HBr Hydrogen bromide H + I -1 HIHydrogen iodide H + CN -1 HCN Hydrogen cyanide H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 Hydrogen perchlorate H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 Hydrogen nitrate H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 Hydrogen sulfate H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 Hydrogen phosphate H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 Hydrogen chlorite H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 Hydrogen nitrite H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 Hydrogen sulfite H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3 Hydrogen phosphite

Ionic Naming Review Cation Anion Formula Name Na + OH -1 NaOH K + OH -1 KOH Ca +2 OH -1 Ca(OH)2 Al +3 OH -1 Al(OH)3

Ionic Naming Review Cation Anion Formula Name Na + OH -1 NaOH Sodium K + OH -1 KOH Potassium Ca +2 OH -1 Ca(OH)2 Calcium Al +3 OH -1 Al(OH)3 Aluminum

Ionic Naming Review - Bases Cation Anion Formula Name Na + OH -1 NaOH Sodium hydroxide K + OH -1 KOH Potassium hydroxide Ca +2 OH -1 Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide Al +3 OH -1 Al(OH)3 Aluminum hydroxide  Bases are named exactly like any other Ionic Compound – no changes are needed

Naming Acids - Rules  Acids are named differently based upon whether or not they are Non-Oxyacids (Binary Acids) or Oxyacids.  Non-Oxyacids are acids that DO NOT have oxygen in the chemical formula.  Oxyacids are acids that DO have oxygen in the formula.  From the list above:  Examples of Non-oxyacids: HCl HBr HCN  Examples of Oxyacids: HClO 4 HNO 2 H 3 PO 3

Naming Acids - Rules  Non-oxyacids/Binary Acids:  “hydrogen” becomes prefix “hydro-”  -ide ending becomes –ic acid  Example: Hydrogen Fluoride = Hydrofluoric Acid  Oxyacids:  Drop “hydrogen”  -ate ending becomes –ic acid  Example: Hydrogen Sulfate = Sulfuric Acid  -ite ending becomes –ous acid  Example: Hydrogen Sulfite = Sulfurous Acid

How Names Change - Acids Cation Anion FormulaName Acid Name H + Cl -1 HCl Hydrogen chloride H + Br -1 HBr Hydrogen bromide H + I -1 HI Hydrogen iodide H + CN -1 HCN Hydrogen cyanide H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 Hydrogen perchlorate H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 Hydrogen nitrate H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 Hydrogen sulfate H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 Hydrogen phosphate H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 Hydrogen chlorite H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 Hydrogen nitrite H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 Hydrogen sulfite H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3 Hydrogen phosphite

How Names Change - Acids Cation Anion FormulaName Acid Name H + Cl -1 HCl Hydrogen chloride Hydrochloric acid H + Br -1 HBr Hydrogen bromide Hydrobromic acid H + I -1 HI Hydrogen iodide Hydroiodic acid H + CN -1 HCN Hydrogen cyanide Hydrocyanic acid H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 Hydrogen perchlorate H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 Hydrogen nitrate H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 Hydrogen sulfate H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 Hydrogen phosphate H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 Hydrogen chlorite H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 Hydrogen nitrite H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 Hydrogen sulfite H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3 Hydrogen phosphite

How Names Change - Acids Cation Anion FormulaName Acid Name H + Cl -1 HCl Hydrogen chloride Hydrochloric acid H + Br -1 HBr Hydrogen bromide Hydrobromic acid H + I -1 HI Hydrogen iodide Hydroiodic acid H + CN -1 HCN Hydrogen cyanide Hydrocyanic acid H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 Hydrogen perchlorate Perchloric acid H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 Hydrogen nitrate Nitric acid H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 Hydrogen sulfate Sulfuric acid H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 Hydrogen phosphate Phosphoric acid H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 Hydrogen chlorite H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 Hydrogen nitrite H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 Hydrogen sulfite H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3 Hydrogen phosphite

How Names Change - Acids Cation Anion FormulaName Acid Name H + Cl -1 HCl Hydrogen chloride Hydrochloric acid H + Br -1 HBr Hydrogen bromide Hydrobromic acid H + I -1 HI Hydrogen iodide Hydroiodic acid H + CN -1 HCN Hydrogen cyanide Hydrocyanic acid H + ClO 4 -1 HClO 4 Hydrogen perchlorate Perchloric acid H + NO 3 -1 HNO 3 Hydrogen nitrate Nitric acid H + SO 4 -2 H 2 SO 4 Hydrogen sulfate Sulfuric acid H + PO 4 -3 H 3 PO 4 Hydrogen phosphate Phosphoric acid H + ClO 2 -1 HClO 2 Hydrogen chlorite Chlorous acid H + NO 2 -1 HNO 2 Hydrogen nitrite Nitrous acid H + SO 3 -2 H 2 SO 3 Hydrogen sulfite Sulfurous acid H + PO 3 -3 H 3 PO 3 Hydrogen phosphite Phosphorous acid