By: The Cutie Pies Team Robert Fulton School Trillium Program Trillium Learning Global 21st Century Schools Project Robert Fulton School, North Bergen, New Jersey, USA Diana Madrid, Nancy Baucke, Sharon Parsons
Idioms Idioms are expressions whose meanings are not always understood by a literal interpretation of the words.
When People say….“I’m all ears” They mean “I’m a good listener “
(idiom) A bitter pill to swallow (meaning) something difficult to accept.
(Idiom) A golden opportunity (meaning) a great chance
(idiom) as clear as a bell (meaning) perfectly clear.
(idiom) Don’t bite off more than you can chew (meaning) don’t take on more than you can finish or do well
(idiom) Until the cows come home (meaning) For a long time
(idiom) Keep your eyes peeled (Meaning) watch out for
(idiom) Don’t give up the ship (meaning) Don’t stop trying