I. Period Title Italian Renaissance Dates 1400-1600.


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Presentation transcript:

I. Period Title Italian Renaissance Dates

II. Significant People of this Period (Italian): A. Commedia dell’ Arte- 1. professional improvisational comedy 2.stock characters 3. performing on the streets for masses 4. seven men and three women 5. common man

More people Both Moliere (France: ) and Shakespeare (England: ) borrowed (or stole) both characters, bits of comic business (lazzi) and plots from the commedia.

Characters: 6. Harlequin (diamond costume-witty and clever) 7.Columbine(flirtatious and pretty 8.Pierrot (lovelorn and moody) 9. Pantalone (baggy pants father or husband) B. Crusaders and Marco Polo

III. Theatre Architecture: A. Wagons B. First proscenium theatres built for pseudo-classicism-copy ancient Rome C. Opera houses-multi-tiers of narrow horseshoe shaped galleries D. Sets in perspective with raked stages

V. Significant Events: A. Vigorous activity in arts and science B. Half masks

IV Important Terms: A. Renaissance-rebirth of learning B. Scenario-plot skeleton-There were no scripts. All of the dialogue and much of the business was improvised. C. Opera developed at this time

Terms C. Type of Comedy-Farce. Low comedy. Comedy of pain. Slapstick, all mean humor D. Lazzi-Bits of comic business, performed by the actors, which were inserted into the play. The specific lazzi to be performed was often indicated in the scenario.