The Mystery of Easter Island.
Easter Island is one of the world's most isolated inhabited islands, with its nearest inhabited neighbor (Pitcairn Island), located some 2,075 km (1, mi) to the west.
What happened on Easter Island?
The population of Easter Island reached its peak at perhaps more than 10,000, far exceeding the capabilities of the small island's ecosystem. Resources became scarce, and the once lush palm forests were destroyed - cleared for agriculture and moving the massive stone Moai. In this regard, Easter Island has become, for many, a metaphor for ecological disaster.ecosystemmoving the massive stone Moaimetaphorecological disaster Thereafter, a thriving and advanced social order began to decline into bloody civil war and, evidently, cannibalism. Eventually, all of the Moai standing along the coast were torn down by the islanders themselves. All of the statues now erected around the island are the result of recent archaeological efforts.cannibalism recent archaeological efforts
When did this happen?
Could a disaster like Easter Island happen on a bigger scale? LO 1: To compare the disaster of Easter Island (local) to a global scale. What are the similarities between what happened on Easter Island and what is happen across the whole world? Can you think of real examples? What are the differences between the disaster on Easter Island and the whole world?
Conclusion What can we learn from Easter Island?
How many people can live on planet earth? What would we have to consider to be able to answer that question?
How can we make this happen?
Student Activity To produce a creative, original design for an ecologically friendly house. To research sustainable solutions. What you need to produce: An A4/A3 drawing (with annotations) One side of A4 writing (maximum) to explain your design
Tips Research your ideas for some time before starting Try to be original with your design (plan rough designs first) How could you make you house energy efficient? Think about building materials How could you make your house sustainable within the community?