Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 Policies for an Inclusive European Information Society Lutz Kubitschke
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 Contents 1.The concept of eInclusion 2.eInclusion policy measures adressing the current ICT environment 3.eInclusion policy in a world of ambient intelligence
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 in a nutshell FP6 Coordination Action Facilitating informed stake holder dialogue in the field of eInclusion/eAccessibility (workshops) Collating available knowledge with help of national correspondents Support formulation of evidence-based policy proposals
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 The maturing Information Society “The harsh reality is that a new sort of class system is emerging in Europe. … Between the 'digital-haves' and the 'digital-have- nots'.” Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, 29/05/2001
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 The digital divide – a matter of multi-dimensional disadvantage Access location quality low income non-ICT work … Accessibility access tools content disability ageing … Usability access tools content inexperienced/ occasional use … Appropriateness / Relevance access tools content socio-economic socio-cultural … Motivation, awareness, skills getting started exploiting the full potential “first-order” divide between users and non- users “second-order” divide among users in taking advantage of ICT Participation: - economic - educational - institutional - political - …
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 eInclusion – an emerging policy paradigm The European policy context: -“To become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge- society in the world” (Lisbon strategy) -Achieving a knowledge-based society that is cohesive and socially sustainable -Ensuring that everyone is included in and gains from developments enabled by ICTs Reflected in national Information Society strategies as well
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 eInclusion - three policy perspectives Risk-perspective Opportunities-perspective Structural perspective Counteracting risks of digital exclusion Exploiting ICT opportunities for social integration/cohesion Promoting inclusive processes of ICT development/deployment
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 Combating eExclusion Addressing barriers to ICT utilisation : - facilitating availability and affordability - awareness rising among non-adopters - promoting digital literacy -promoting eAccessibility / Design-for-All
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 Realising ICT opportunities Practical opportunities -better access to employment (e.g. job search, job application) -distance bridging for immobile persons (e.g. telework) -content/services relevant to at-risk groups (e.g. illiterate) Empowerment of at-risk groups/communities - ICT-based networking and self expression (e.g. “voice divide”) - exploitation of ICTs by those who work with at-risk groups (e.g. social cyber cafés)
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 Facilitating inclusive processes ICT development -promoting “inclusive shaping” of mainstream technologies (e.g. involving disadvantaged users in RTD and technical standardisation) -supporting the development of socially desirable technology/services that are not driven by market interests (e.g. technologies for independent living) ICT deployment -equitable roll out of technological infrastructure (e.g. broadband in underserved areas)
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March but the policy space is very complex International EU International Standards WTO Public sector assocs. (e.g. ICA) UN (e.g. Standard Rules) (procurement etc.) WAI WHO (ICF) Bi-Lateral Agendas (e.g. Trans- Atlantic Directives Standards NGOs TreatiesCharters Communications RTD Structural Funds Other action lines NGOs Private sector industry / trade assocs. Council of Europe (Agreements etc.) Public sector assocs. (e.g. ICA) Private sector industry / trade assocs. National / Regional
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 EU-level policy instruments Regulation/legislation (e.g. directives, Universal Service Obligation) “Appealing” measures ( e.g. charters, communications, financial) Technical standardisation (e.g. mandates from CEC to standardisation bodies, public funding of consumer participation) Research and technology development/deployment (e.g. RTD programmes, eTEN) Dedicated policy initiatives such as eEurope, i2010 (e.g. agenda setting, awareness rising, monitoring)
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 eInclusion policy in a world of AmI Risk perspective Opportunities perspective Structural perspective Equitable access to AmI applications/services in relation to both 1 st and 2 nd order divide (e.g. availability, affordability, accessibility, skills) Desirable applications/services that may not necessarily emerge in the market place (e.g. development of applications/services benefiting small groups, market encouragement for applications/services of public interest) “Participatory” shaping of the AmI environment (e.g. enabling participation of at-risk groups in RTD, technology standardisation, legislative/regulative processes)
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 ”Dark” scnearios 60 years old long- term unemployed steel worker ? 35 years old deaf-blind mother Early school leaver growing up in low income family
Safeguards in a World of Ambience Intelligence Brussels, 21 st March 2006 Thank you !