Photography: the art or process of producing images by capturing light on a sensitive surface
The word "photography" derives from the Greek and means, literally, “light writing”
The human eye
Camera Obscura Latin for “darkroom” an optical device that projects an image of its surroundings one of the inventions that led to photography the earliest ones were the size of an entire room
Camera Obscura Latin for “darkroom” consists of a box or room with a hole in one side, light from an external scene passes through the hole and strikes a surface inside where it is reproduced, upside-down.
Camera Obscura Aristotle (around 330 BC)understood the optical principle of the camera obscura. He viewed the crescent shape of a partially eclipsed sun projected on the ground through the holes in a sieve, and the gaps between leaves of a plane tree
Camera Obscura In the 16th Century, camera obscuras became an invaluable aid to artists who used them to create drawings with perfect perspective and accurate detail. Portable camera obscuras were made for this purpose. It functioned much like a modern camera, except there was no way at this time to record the image short of manually tracing it.
Camera Obscura In Victorian times, much larger public camera obscuras became popular seaside attractions, where spying on courting couples became a popular pastime.
Camera Obscura Abelardo Morell He sets up room-size camera obscuras and then photographs the results.
Camera Obscura Abelardo Morell He sets up room-size camera obscuras and then photographs the results.
Pinhole camera
A Pinhole Camera is a camera without a lens
Pinhole camera The light producing the image passes through a small hole (the aperture) In order to produce a reasonably clear image, the aperture has to be a tiny pinhole on the order of 0.5 mm. or less
Aperture In optics, an aperture is a hole or an opening through which light is admitted
Shutter In photography, a shutter is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film or paper. Picture made with fast shutter speed
Shutter In photography, a shutter is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film or paper. Picture made with slow shutter speed
Exposure An Exposure takes place when light strikes film or sensitized paper. There are three variables that control exposure: 1. The size of the lens opening (aperture) 2. The duration of the exposure time (shutter speed) 3.The amount of light illuminating the subject.
Proper Exposure When a photograph is properly exposed, like this landscape by Ansel Adams, there is detail in every area of the scene.
Overexposure When too much light strikes your film or sensitized paper, the result is called an overexposure. Notice the lack of Highlights (white areas) and “blocked up” shadows.
Underexposure When too little light strikes your film or sensitized paper, the result is called an underexposure. Notice the lack of shadows and “blown out” highlights
Pinhole Photographers Jo Babcock She has built more than 150 different cameras out of a great variety of found materials including a Volkswagen van.
Pinhole Photographers Jo Babcock
Pinhole Photographers Jo Babcock
Pinhole Photographers Jo Babcock
Pinhole Photographers Shelia Boccine She does pinhole portraits and even weddings.
Pinhole Photographers Shelia Boccine
Pinhole Photographers Martha Casanave
Pinhole Photographers Martha Casanave
Pinhole Photographers Chris Keeney
Pinhole Photographers Chris Keeney