Journal #1 February 5 and 6, 2015 How would you describe your personality? Try to think of 8-10 descriptive words and think about what made you choose those words. How would someone else describe your personality? Does it differ from your own description?
You have 10 minutes to review your experiment and decide what each group member will be saying. I don’t want to see you simply reading off the slides, you will lose points on the presentation. You need to have a plan before you get up there. If you do not have your experiment finished today, the highest you can receive is half credit.
Using what you heard/learned from the other groups, please reflect on the following; You can put your answer directly below your notes on the other groups. -What are 3 things about memory that you can take from the other groups? -What could you improve about your experiment or another’s experiment? -What are 3 real life implications that you can take from the experiments?
Journal #2 February 11 or 12, 2015 We live in an incredibly dynamic world where our vision of the ideal human is ever-changing. Based on your own judgments; do you feel that we prize introverts or extroverts more? More importantly, why?
Journal #3 February 13 and 23 Last block we took 2 personality assessments which we will be reflecting on in a minute. How could these types of personality assessments be used? Both for good and bad.
Journal #4 February 26, 2015 Please define each of the following in your own words. Each definition should be at least one sentence. -Personality -Character -Traits/Types -Introvert -Extrovert -MBTI -Temperament If you ask me what color a certain dress is, I’ll give you 22 referrals.
Journal #5 February 27 th, 2015 We touched a little on this topic in journal #1, but I want to take a more in-depth reflection. We have described our own personality traits at length, but how would someone else describe us? Try to think of 5 good traits and make sure you have an experience/reason for each one. Be creative. Sidenote; If you ask me what color a certain dress is, I’ll give you 22 referrals.
Journal #6 March 2 or 3, 2015 How do you feel you develop your personality? Where do you get your traits from? Family? Friends? Your own choices? Why do you feel this is how you gained your personality? Hall Passes on Emergency Basis Today
Journal #7 March 4 th or 5 th, 2015 I heard someone on the radio this morning describe a past experience as having caused them to “discover my more introverted side.” Is this possible? Can experiences make us tap into our introverted our extroverted selves? Why/Why not? What types of experiences could cause this? Would someone that immigrated to a new country change personality traits?
March 10 th or 11th, 2015 You need to make sure you take notes on the summary, famous people, and overall path for each theory. You will be answering a reflection question when we are finished.
Perspectives on Personality 1. Students are able to: -Evaluate psychodynamic theories -Evaluate trait theories -Evaluate humanistic theories -Evaluate social–cognitive theories Assessment of Personality 2. Students are able to: -Differentiate personality assessment techniques -Discuss the reliability and validity of personality assessment techniques Issues in personality 3. Students are able to: -Discuss biological and situational influences -Discuss self-concept -Analyze how individualistic and collectivistic cultural perspectives relate to personality 4. Identify key contributors to personality theory (e.g., Alfred Adler, Albert Bandura, Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers) Unit 6 Personality Essential Topics
Journal #6 March 12 or 13, 2015 What personality traits do your parents or other adults that helped raise you value? What personality traits do you value? Support your answer.
Journal #2 February 23 and 24, 2012 How would you respond when someone asks you to “tell us about yourself?” Describe everything about yourself. After you are finished describing, think about 3-5 experiences from your life that lead you to this belief. (similar to the last journal, but more than just personality)
Journal #4 February 15 th and 19th Do you feel that someone’s personality has an impact on whether or not they are prone to violence. Why or why not? Do you feel we can tell a lot about someone by the language that they use?
Journal #5 March 5 th and 6 th, 2014 How would you explain personality to someone who knows nothing about the topic? What have you learned since I have been out? What are the specific topics that stick out to you? What people illustrate your explanation?
Avery Quinn Long 8 lbs. 12 oz., 21 in.
If you wanted to understand someone’s personality and could ask the person only three questions, what would those questions be? What would the answers reveal? What made you choose those three questions? Journal #7 March 14 th, 2014
Today we are going to analyze the interaction between culture and personality. Do you feel that culture influences personality or personality influences culture? Substantiate your claim. Journal #7 March 19 th, 2014
Journal #7 March 17, 2014 Later this unit, we will see different examples of body language. But before we see that, I want to think about a few things; What are multiple examples of body language? What insight do they give in to that person? What can it tell us about their personality?
Journal #9 March 20 th, 2014 In 4-5 complete sentences, please answer the following question; How would you describe yourself? This will be the last journal.
Journal #9 March 4 th and 5 th, 2013 Using everything that we have learned this unit, how would you explain to someone else what personality is? What types of things would you describe in your explanation? Examples?
Good Morning. You have 5 minutes to complete and review your study guide. I would strongly recommend actually reviewing. You need to turn your journals in before the test begins. If you have them in a notebook, please put a post-it note where they begin. You will need a pencil.