302 GRAMMAR AUCTION Gateway b1+
These are the rules of the auction Team up! 3 or 4 students per group. The aim of the game is to buy as many correct sentences as possible. Each group will have $3000 to spend. Bids begin at $200. Bids increase by $100 each bid. The sentence will be sold to the highest bidder. The winner of the game is the group which has bought the most correct sentences. In case a draw the winner would be the group with more money left.
REMEMBER THAT… You only have to buy the good ones, but you may like the other teams to increase their bids for a wrong sentence. Play your aces well!!! A good strategy can be crucial to win!!!
These are your sentences:
If he’d used the computer, he’d have finish sooner.
It’s has always be said that real democracy is an unattainable dream.
This evidence can in no way be seen as conclusive.
Do you know where is the petrol station?
The students were given the books.
I just wish you'd stop hiding everything from me.
It's the car of my sister-in-law.
‘Who left the door open?’, asked the teacher. ‘It must have been John, he always does!’, said Stewart.
I wish I had a bigger car!
I didn't see nobody in the forest.
His voice is such impressive! I think I love him!
She goes every day to the gym.
Now, let's see if you have done a good job!!!