Susceptibility Weighted MRI and Cerebrovascular Disorders Fony Y Tsai, Hung-Wen Kao, Yu-Kun Tsui, Anton H Hasso and Fred Greensite, UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange, Ca
Method and Materials All patients underwent MRI with 12 channel head coil in 1.5T(Avanto,Siemens,Erlangen,Germany)and 3T(Trio,Siemens,Erlangen,Germany). Parameters of SWI: 1.5T:TR:49ms,TE40msFlip angle15,bandwidth 80kHz,slice thickness 2mm,64slices in a single slab,matrix size177x256,acquistion time 3min&59s with iPAT factor-2. 3T:Tr27ms,TE29ms,Flip angle15,bandwidth 120kHz,slice thickness 2mm,64slices in a single slab, matrix size182x256,acquisition time 3min&22s with iPAT factor-2 All images obtained in axial plane The phase,magnitude,SWI and minIP images were uploaded to PACS system.
Method and Materials Retrospectively reviewed 903 patients from July 2008 to July Among those 595 patients who had varied cerebrovascular diseases were reported in our previous study excluded 299 ischemic stroke,7 cardiac arrested with cessation of cerebral circulation and 2 chronic venous hypertension Gender ratio: male to female:162 to 146 Age: mean ae of all patients:65.4 and mean female is 69.1 and mean male age is patients had complete pre and post-treatment CT,MRI with SWI. 32 of 118 were excluded from motions and artifacts 86 stroke patients and 9 others were evaluated in this series.
Result of Stroke Patients 4 patients: vertebral arterial disease 7 patients: posterior cerebral arterial occlusion 11 patients: internal carotid arterial thrombosis 21 patients: diffused atherosclerosis 2 patients: anterior cerebral arterial disease 42 patients: middle cerebral arterial thrombosis 23 patients had negative on SWI from small infarction on DWI 56 patients had early sign of infarction on CT,CT finding did not accord with SWI 63 patients had varied degree of abnormal hypointense vessel on SWI.
Cases Presentations Case 1 28/male acute left side weakness, history of chronic headache without definite etiology
Venous Pressure Gradient It was double SSS>SS Venous hypertension
Case Presentation Case 2 52/F acute confusion with stomach Flu, Suddenly lapsed to coma, upon arrival to UCI from transferring, unresponsive.
Initial CT
arrival CT
Case Presentation Case 3 55/M presented with acute left side weakness history of hypertension and hyperlipdemia
Case Presentation Case 4 73/F presented with acute left side weakness with Aggrenox, history of TIA and hypertension
Initial MRI DWI/Flair
PWI/ dfV
MRA and Cerebral Angiogram
Follow-up MRA &DWI
Follow-up Flair
Case Presentation Case 5 43/M presented with expressive aphasia, right homonymous hemianopsia and right side weakness, worse on upper extremity.
Case Presentaion Case 6 56/M sudden lost his right eye vision and left side weakness, History of hypertension and recent Myocardial Infarction
Summary and Conclusion Presence of deoxygenated hyopintense vessels may indicated slow/stasis or thrombosis It may be used to detect venous hyperetension,braindeath,and poor prognosis of infarction due to poor intrinsic collaterals
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