Africa’s Mishaps
List of Problems Diseases Access to clean water Malnutrition and starvation HIV/AIDS Armed conflict
Diseases in Africa Cholera is spread through contaminated drinking water. It is highly contagious and leads to extreme diarrhea and vomiting. ( people get cholera when drinking water that is contaminated with bacteria. Zimbabwe has been suffering from one of the largest cholera outbreaks ever recorded. The disease malaria affects more than 500 million people annually, claiming between 1,ooo,ooo and 3,000,000 lives each year, and is widely considered to be the deadliest disease in the world. Sub-Saharan Africa suffers the most, and children are mainly affected. It is a mosquito borne disease. ( A few diseases swarming through Africa are cholera, malaria, tuberculosis. It’s very unfortunate that preventable diseases claim so many lives in Africa each year. Particularly in Africa where healthcare is partially unreliable.
Diseases in Africa: Tuberculosis One of the most deadly diseases in Africa is tuberculosis, often going hand in hand with HIV/AIDS. More than half of the people infected if untreated. TB is a commonand often deadlyinfectious disease affecting the lungs. ( these diseases are the number one threat to the people living in Africa. Furthermore it affects the population rate.
Access to clean water
Without safe water people suffer from poverty and disease. Many women and children spend countless hours of the day fetching dirty water. It often prevents women from income and work. It also stops children from going to school. Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest sanitation coverage on earth.( “The most immediately apparent impact of water scarcity in Africa is on the continent's health. With a complete lack of water, humans can only live up to 3 to 5 days on average.” (
Malnutrition and starvation Children in Africa suffer a condition called stunting- not starving but still not getting enough to eat leaving them years in their development. Not only does it affect height but it also effects brain development. “in sub-Saharan Africa, the number of stunted children is still on the rise, up 12 million since 1990 to 56 million. Forty percent of all children in sub-Saharan Africa are stunted.” ( “Africa’s population is enduring incredible onslaughts of starvation caused by civil war, disease and corruption. Attempts to solve these problems and get food to the populations in need have long frustrated aid and relief organizations.” (
HIV/AIDS The southern African nation of Swaziland has the worlds highest rate of HIV infection. But things are beginning to get a little better according to this article by ( "The number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries has in- creased ten- fold, from 400,000 in 2003 to more than 4 million last year." 56 million South Africans afected by HIV/AIDS Main affected population males and females age HIV and AIDS has been growing worse each year, and of the 33 million people affected in the world, 65 percent live in sub- Saharan Africa. While treatment options are growing, the high price of medicine remains one of the biggest obstacles. (
Armed conflict Europeans took land by force Africans were forced to work under terrible conditions with low wages In order to avoid armed conflict with each other leaders of several European countries met at the Berlin conference in They agreed to cut up Africa into empires ignoring the rights of Africans By 1990 most of Africa was colonized ( Africa is a continent more effected by armed conflict than any other continent. Typology of Africa's armed conflict issues Ethnic completion for control of the state Border disputes The colonization of Africa led to all of the mahaim (