F ALL M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION Webinar September 30 and October 2, 2014
O VERVIEW ● Fall MSC Changes ● IPAL ● Deadlines ● Questions?
C HANGES TO B AND G R ECORDS ● The following fields will be retired: Date of Birth Ethnic Flag Race Code Gender Division Teaching Experience State Teaching Experience Years Teaching Experience Division Administrative Experience State Administrative Experience Years Administrative Experience
SCED C ROSSWALK ● Make sure you look at the changes to the SCED crosswalk There are several additions and deletions, especially in CTE ● The most recent version is July 31, 2014 Available on the MSC web page There may be another version released for Fall
MSC V ERIFICATION R EPORT ● The Fall report will look how it has traditionally looked in the past No Virtual or DE information like EOY
MOP R EVIEW ● If your division contracts with a virtual program (that is recognized as an MOP by VA) and the program has teachers teaching your students, then it is an MOP You must report teachers in the B Record ● If your division contracts with a virtual program (that may or may not be recognized as an MOP program by VA), but you only use the curriculum/online program and do NOT have teachers provided, then is NOT an MOP You would report the program in the E Record as a contracted provider
SEDF R EVIEW ● Make sure to use I Records to link classes taking place at the same time with the same teacher! ● Double check your SCED code if the class is not appearing on the report It could also be the SCED sequence!
D EADLINES ● The window for Fall MSC is scheduled to open on October 15, 2014 ● A successful submission of Fall MSC is due on December 5, 2014 A successful submission is necessary so that CTE (at both the local and state levels) can start reviewing data and making changes if necessary ● The signed verification reports for MSC, IPAL and SEDF are due on January 30, 2015