Kindergarten Open House Mason Creek Elementary August 18, 2015 Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics ©
Mrs. Collins Mason Creek Webpage Notify Me
Meet the Team Candi Bridges Marcy Jackson Mandi Slatton Jodie Sweeney
MAES Handbook
Classroom Rules Listens and follows directions Controls Talking Shows self-control Stays on-task Works and plays well with others Class discipline system – We use a color based system where everyone starts out on green. If you are following rules and procedures, you stay on green. If you are going above and beyond, you can move to blue. If you are having difficulty following rules and procedures, you will move to yellow, and if the behaviors continues, you may move to red.
Parent Communication The daily notebook is a very important communication tool. It is an easy, effective way to communicate with your child’s teacher. The notebooks are checked each morning for notes and transportation changes. As a reminder, please write transportation changes on the paper provided, and any other kind of note in the agenda section. Thanks! The teachers also communicate frequently by . If you don’t have , just let us know and we can send home paper letters instead. Also, should your or phone number change, please let us know immediately so we can keep our information current.
Reading *Sight Word Goal – 220 words * Quarterly Goals – 1 st 9 weeks – 55; 2 nd 9 weeks – 110; 3 rd 9 weeks – 165; 4 th 9 weeks *Homework assignments include reading 15 minutes daily *Guided Reading; daily teacher guided, small group instruction. *Saxon Phonics -daily phonics instruction
Sight Word Practice Ideas *Write the words with sidewalk chalk, dry erase, or bathtub crayons. * Play B-I-N-G-O with your sight words. * Play hopscotch using sight words instead of numbers * Write words in shaving cream, sugar, or sand. * Put sight words up around the house and have a scavenger hunt.
Math *Daily Calendar Math *In kindergarten, students focus on truly understanding numbers. They realize that doing math involves solving problems and discussing on how they solved them. We will focus on showing what you know using pictures, manipulatives, and various strategies. *Math Marvels Wednesday mornings before assembly – We are working on number sense. Later on in the year we will move on to addition.
Math *Learning Clips – One of the interactive tools that we use to reinforce our learning.
Science Units in Science include: *Day and Night Sky *Gravity and Motion *Physical Properties of Matter *Rocks and Soils *Living and Non-living Things *Animals *Plants
Social Studies Units in Social Studies include: *Connecting Themes in Social Studies * The People in our Neighborhood * Where in the World are We? * Celebrating our Differences * Being a Good American * You’re a Grand Old Flag and Other US Symbols
Writing *The Kindergarten Units of Study in writing will focus on Opinion, Information and Narrative Writing. *Writer’s Workshop will include working on the writing process. Students will have daily writing instruction. * Please review complete sentences whenever you are working with your student at home…capital letter, finger spaces, and punctuation mark at the end.
Kindergarten Assessments In kindergarten we use two main grade-level assessments. *GKIDS *Aimsweb
Daily Schedule (Tentative Schedule) 8:00-9:05Word Works Daily/Phonics/Writing Workshop 9:05-9:55Specials – Art, Music, PE 9:55-10:05Snack and Restroom 10:05-11:15Integrated Literacy Centers 11:15-12:00 Integrated Literacy Centers/Science/Social Studies 12:00-12:35 Lunch 12:35-12:55Recess 12:55-1:05Restroom 1:05-1:35Calendar Math/Music and Movement 1:35-2:35Math 2:35-2:45Prepare for Dismissal
Special Classes Students will rotate P.E., Art and Music classes each week. An example of our schedule is as follows: Monday – P.E. Tuesday – Music Wednesday – P.E. Thursday – Art Friday – PE * On P.E. days please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately. If they do not dress appropriately they will have to sit out of P.E. and this does affect their grade. **Your child’s specific specials schedule can be found on the weekly newsletter – kindergarten chronicles.
Homework Homework is given on Friday and is due on the following Friday. Homework includes reading for 15 minutes and may include reviewing sight words or a math review assignment. The kindergarten team collaborates and homework assignments support curriculum taught in the classroom.
Webpage Resources
Welcome to a great year in Kindergarten!