The Road to Revolution 2 ideals leading up to Revolution: – Republicanism – “Radical Whigs”
Republicanism “just society” Citizens submit to common good Opposed to hierarchical and authoritarian societies: aristocracy and monarchy
Radical Whigs Opposition party in England Feared threat to liberty posed by monarchy Worried about losing rights
Bolstered attitudes by colonial life: No royalty in America Property ownership and political participation were relatively accessible Accustomed to running own affairs
Mercantilism and sassy colonists Wealth = power Wealth = silver and gold in treasury All about exporting more than importing Navigation Laws
Enforcing mercantilism Navigation Laws, colonists angry British government regulated coinage in Americas (angry) Colonists issued paper money which depreciated and caused inflation British stopped this, colonists angry British gov’t had royal veto which also made colonists angry
Mercantilism pros Navigation laws loosely enforced until 1763 Britain did lots to help colonists Sometimes goods cheaper cons Stifled colonial economic initiative Contributed to colonial dependence on Britain “econonmic adolescence”
British problems French and Indian War left Britain in major debt
George Grenville British prime minister Most hated man in America
Sugar Act 1764 First direct tax ever passed in the colonies Tons of protests, taxes lowered
Quartering Act Required colonists to provide food/lodging for British troops Colonists angry…
Stamp Act George Grenville Meant to raise revenue to pay for war debt Grenville thought he was being reasonable Colonists disagreed. Hard.
Stamp Act Over 50 trade items and documents British subjects had already been paying a much higher tax Also “called for trying offenders in admiralty courts”- no juries, colonists suspicious
Colonial Reaction
Colonists suspicious and angry Also “called for trying offenders in admiralty courts”- no juries, colonists suspicious British army still in colonies…..
“No taxation without representation” “virtual representation” theory
Repeal of the Stamp Act Stamp Act Congress of delegates from 9 colonies “halting but significant step towards inter- colonial unity”
Colonial Means of Resistance
“Nonimportation acts” Basically boycotts United American people in common action