…to the Annual Ockerman Middle School Curriculum Night! Welcome …to the Annual Ockerman Middle School Curriculum Night! August 20th, 2013
Grading Scale 94 – 100% A 93 – 87% B 86 – 78% C 77 – 70 D 69 – 0% F Middle school students must be responsible and turn their work in ON TIME! Assignments turned in late will receive a lower grade.
Cell Phones I allow students in my class to have their phones and ipods These can be used as a reward time in order to listen to music If work is complete, I allow them to play games on them
Mark Your Calendar Already finished Star No School- Labor Day 9/2 Picture Day- October 9? No School- 10/11 & 10/14
Welcome to the RedHawks Team! Mr. Humprey– Science Mrs. Vaught- Language Arts Ms. Von Wahlde– Special Education Mr. Courtney/Mrs. Stutler– Math Ms. Stephenson- Reading Mr. Ingraham– World History
Math Course Content
Contact Information BEST way to contact me: Email! Abby.Vonwahlde@boone.kyschools.us **Warning: Voicemails tend to disappear in technology limbo
All About Me… I have 3 dogs: 2 beagles and a shiba I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio My hobbies include soccer, volleyball, softball and reading I am obsessed with Ohio sports teams: Bengals, Ohio State Football, Xavier Basketball I’m considering starting my doctorate in the fall of next year. I love learning