Chamber electronics test bench Valerio Bocci Rafael Nobrega, Davide Pinci (INFN sez. Roma) Giovanni Carboni,Andre Massaferri,Roberto Messi, Emanuele Santovetti (INFN sez Roma II)
Spark+Input Output LVDS Dialog Carioca Service Board I2c_lvds+ctrl signals CANbus Carioca threshold,pulse,charge dac Signal processed from carioca(Analog) and then from dialog (digital) I2c lvds+pulse signal Self Test of the Carioca-Dialog system (Using Dialog & Service Board facility) Only one conection (i2c_lvds) The system can test : board connectivity, carioca channel response, dialog and Carioca functionality The input and spark protection are tested using rate method to measure detector’s capacitance The LVDS output are not tested PC Valerio Bocci 2003
ACQ Board (INFN RomaII, LNF) StartStop TST_PULSE (From SB) Gate Board We use the 24 bits Scaler to test the Dialog Lvds Output ACQ Board Dialogs V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Chamber SB ACQ Boards VME USB CANbus USB- VME interface I2C line FE Chamber’s Electronics Validation Gate Board Strt Stp Strt Stp V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Inject N charge with Dialog Count N inside Dialog Count N outside using ACQ Noise method to check cardiac Chamber connection (looking chamber capacitance) Chamber FE ACQ SB Chamber FE SB Test 1Test 2 a)Test the i2c FE connection b)Test FE LVDS output a)Test the i2c FE connection b)Test Chamber FE connection c)Test FE performance V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
CANBUS interface : Kvaser PCIcan Q (PCIcan 4HS) (CERN store) or Kvaser USB-CANBus (Kvaser) VME Crate (Any source) V1718 CAEN USB-VME interface (CAEN) Service Board (INFN Rome1) ECS cables SB->Cardiac (INFN Rome1,CERN) Instrumentation (1/2) V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
VME ACQ Board (INFN Rome2) 16x2 scotchflex ACQ input adapters (INFN Rome2) LVDS cables 8x2 scotchflex to 16x 2 scotchflex twisted (INFN Rome2) Gate Board (INFN Rome2) Windows XP Pro PC (USB2.0 & PCIslot) (any source) Barcode Reader (Datalogic Gryphon OK) (any source) Instrumentation (2/2) V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Cardiac Singnature The Cardiac board contains two Carioca The Offset for each carioca channel is different The 16x8bit value of the offset give a way to identify the cardiac. We aspect: bar code-> cardiac signature is a biunivocal. V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Test of the Chamber FE connection using Rate method V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Chamber data production Cardiac Data Cardiac Bar Code On Chamber Measuraments Chamber Cardiac Data Cardiac ID On Chamber Test Program Please check Ex. Gryphon datalogic bluetooth is OK (RM1) DATALOGIC DLC6190 (RM2) NOK problems Label aging Problem (glue and size) V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Testbench Flow Scan Chamber Barcode Scan Cardiacs Barcode in given order Camera File Chamber code+cardiacs code Testbench program associate cardiacs with production cardiacs database. First injection test discover any swapped ecs cable lvds cable Test cardiac analog injection and test pattern Cardiac offset scan channel signature discover any mismatch cardiac barcode geo position of any cardiac Noise method -> chamber capacitance ->short channel or open channel One file for each chamber V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Test bench Software LVDS line test V.Bocci Muon meeting 2006,Jan
Testbench Status Roma1 Cardiac Test program used as skeleton and Adapted. OK Insert the ACQ read function in the skeleton OK Add automatic analisys using “root” library for rate method analisys. OK Add new functionality for easy use 99% done System assembled in Rome2 OK Gateboard prototype OK Gateboard final PCB (gerber file to pcb company 2 weeks ready) The first pilot use in LNF in two weeks