ANALOG ELECTRONICS II EMT 212 En. Rosemizi Bin Abd Rahim PPK Komputer & Perhubungan No.5E, level 3, blok A, Jejawi
COURSE IMPLEMENTATIONS Lecture 3 hours per week for 14 weeks (Total = 42 hours) Tutorial / Assignment 2 hours per week for 3 weeks (Total = 6 hours) Laboratory/Mini project 2 hours per week for 11 weeks (Total = 22 hours)
Time table i) Lecture Tuesday : DKG 4 G4,G5,G6 Friday : DKP 2 G4,G5,G6 ii)Lab (MKG 3) Tuesday : G6 Wednesday: G3 Thursday : G5
OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, student would be able to learn the methods of analyzing and designing analog electronic circuits.
Topics covered Chapter 1 : Operational Amplifier Operation, differential amplifier, common- mode, parameters, basic op-amp, practical op-amp circuits, op-amp datasheet. Chapter 2 : Applications of op-amp and frequency response Summing amplifier, Voltage follower, Comparator, Integrator, Differentiator, frequency response and compensation;
Topics covered Chapter 3 : Feedback Circuits Concepts of feedback, types of feedback connection, practical feedback circuit, feedback amplifier Chapter 4 : Oscillator Basic operating principles of an oscillator, phase shift, Wien Bridge, Crystal oscillator, uni-junction;
Topics covered Chapter 5 : Active Filters Basic filter, filter response characteristics, low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filter, band-stop filter, frequency response measurement, design of filter, Butterworth, Chebychev and Elliptic. Chapter 6 : Voltage Regulator Terminology, Zener diode regulator, Linear IC regulator, Linear regulator topologies, Op-amp linear regulator, Op-amp Linear IC regulator : protection, capacitors, layout, thermal.
PRACTICAL Constructing and investigating the practical operational amplifiers circuits : Inverting, Non-inverting, Unity gain, Differentiator, Integrator, Oscillator, Comparator, Active Filters. Mini project: Function generator and voltage regulator.
ASSESSMENT Laboratory/Mini Project= 40% Test 3 = 10% Final Exam = 50% Total = 100%
REFERENCES [1] Floyd, T., Electronic Devices, 7th Ed., Pearson Education, Inc., [2] Malvino, A, Electronic Principles, 6th Ed., Mc Graw Hill, [3] Boylestead, R.L, and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,7th Ed., Prentice-Hall, 1999.