What does the housing look like in Highland Park? How might these factors affect the health of Highland Park residents? How does the physical and social environment affect the health of residents in Highland Park?
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The Physical Environment of Highland Park Poor Housing Infrastructure -Heating and Cooling -Corroded Electrical Wiring -Increased Risk for lead poisoning and asbestos inhalation In 2007 the VA Department of Health Designated Highland Park (23222) as a “High-Risk Zip Code (Bouas et. al) Inadequate Access to Proper Nutrition -Many convenience stores vs. supermarkets with fresh produce -Concentrated fast food establishments
Social Environment of Highland Park Race: 75-90% Black HS Graduates: 20-30% Male Unemployment: 20-25% Female Unemployment: 15-20% Men in High Demand-Low Paying Jobs % Uninsured Rate: 17%
"Decreases the ability to influence the events that impinge on one's life. The choices we make are shaped by the choices we have!" (Adelman) -Prolonged activation of the biological stress response = Accumulation of risk factors -People living in low income communities have 2x more diabetes and heart disease, than those in suburban communities (Adelman). -The lower the grade of employment the higher the grade of every major cause of death (Adelman). -College graduates live 2.5 years longer than those who are not, and in Highland Park only 1-5% of HP residents have a college degree.
Lack of Access to proper Nutrition Increased risk of childhood obesity Type 2 Diabetes Sleep Apnea Hypertension
No matter the economic standing Black people are at higher risk for bad health (i.e. heart disease and STDs). Issues of racial discrimination Living in a disadvantaged neighborhood increases stress Concerns for safety Parents cannot model proper nutrition habits for children Concerns with making ends meet financially detracts from being concerned about preventative health measures. The uninsured are less likely to utilize professional medicine until an emergency arises. Fast food is cheaper than fresh fruits and vegetable
Mental Health: Mental health issues can result from biological stress or social stress The failure of the Healthcare and Economic system to provide opportunities for the enhancement of life quality contributes to mental health issues. Mental health is difficult to measure, therefore it is hard to produce the necessary data that influences policy making Policy Making habits: Separation of the individual into different entities (i.e. economic, health, and social) instead of seeing the individual as a mosiac of all these factors.
Adelman, Larry, prod. ""In Sickness & In Wealth" from Unnatural Causes." In California Newsreel. University of Richmond MRC Channel. October 24, Bouas, Laura, Lora Gess, Russell Gong, and Jessica Waldrat. Urplsc366erkulwater.wordpress.com. Report. Fall Accessed October 26, Facyson, Valentina, Isela Melendez. Employment in Highland Park. Urplsc366erkulwater.wordpress.com. Report. Fall Accessed October 26,