Storage devices
Fixed hard disk Fixed hard disk drives are available on all computers and are the main method used for data storage. Uses: fixed hard drives are used to store the operating system and working data. Advantage : they have very large memory capacities. Disadvantage: they can be easily damaged.
Flash memory cards Flash memory cards is an example of solid state memories. Uses: 1- used to store photos on digital cameras. 2-mobile phones use them as memory cards Advantage: since they are solid state memories, they are very strong Disadvantage: they have lower storage capacity than hard disks.
Blu-ray disks Blu-ray disks have the largest capacity of all the optical media. Uses:they are used for storing and playing back films Advantage:the data transfer rate is very fast. Disadvantage: the disks are relatively expensive.
Optical storage media Optical storage devices,such as CD and DVD, all use optical read/ write methods, unlike tapes and floppy/hard drive disks which are magnetic media.
CD-ROM and DVD-ROM CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs are read only memory (ROM), which means they cannot be written over and can only be read Uses: -CD-ROMs are used to store music files -DVD-ROMs are used to store films Advantages: they are less expensive than dick drives Disadvantages: the data transfer rate and data access time are slower than for hard disks
CD-RW AND DVD- RW CD-RW.. is a rewritable optical disc format.. known as CD-Erasable DVD-RW.. is a rewritable optical disc with equal storage capacity to a DVD-R typically 4.7 GB Advantages :.. CD-RW's AND DVD-RW's can be re-used many times Dis-advantages:- CD-RW's and DVD- RW's can be relatively expensive media.
Memory stick Is a removable flash memory card format launched by sony Advantages :- they are very compact and portable media. Disadvantages:- Their small physical size means that they are easy to lose.
Done by: Raya alzubaidi Sara shilyan Soud omar Maryam yazeed