Student Name: Katherine Strey
Welcome to our Virtual Wiki-Classroom Visit us anytime at
Explain in your own words what happens on the classroom Wiki-workspace. Everyday we open up the checklist, and get to work. Once we finished all of our work we can do extra credit.
I use Performance Based Objectives in GATE. PBOs are important because PBO is important for you because you get to measure your progress.
I use Language Based Objectives in GATE. LBOs are important because LBO is important because it helps you read, communicate, and talk.
What is Red Light Thinking? Type your answer here Read light thinking is when you stop and gather facts. For example Uranus is the coldest planet in our solar system.
What is Yellow Light Thinking? Yellow light thinking is when you make a conclusion For example What are Uranus' rings made of? they are made out of ice and rock.
What is Green Light Thinking? Green light thinking is when you make something new Create Your Own Galaxy By Katherine Strey
Why is our GATE Student Checklist important? You don’t have to wait for other people to get finished to move on. It also helps you stay on track.
Critical Thinking Shapes Explain what this product is and how you created it. You use Microsoft word,and click on shapes. Click on the line with no arrows and get to work.Every time you finished one line you have to get another line.
GATE Student Journal I would want to be a teacher so I can work with kids and help them learn. If they didn ’ t like school I would know how to help them feel better about themselves and school. I want to work at collier elementary where I go to school right now. Being a teacher would be a dream come true for me. I would like to teach 4523and1 grade
Solar Systems Name the eight planets in orders. 1.Mercury, 2.Venus,, 4.mars 5.mars 6.Jupiter 7. Saturn 8.,Uranus 9.,Neptune
Solar Systems Post ten facts you learned about the Solar Systems. 1.V V Cephie is the largest star 2.Mercury is the smallest planet. 3.Jupiter is the largest planet 4.The smallest star ever is the red dwarf 5.The sun is the heart of our solar system 6.Eight planets orbit the sun 7.Pluto isn’t considered a planet 8.Four gas giants are Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus, and Neptune. 9.They orbit the sun in paths called ellipses. 10.Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are mostly made up of iron and rock.
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets 2/13/ /14/ /15/ /16/ /17/ /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets Date High Temp ° Low Temp ° 3/26/ /27/ /28/ /29/ /30/ /31/ /1/ /2/ /3/ /4/
Weather Report good morning this is Katherine with your weather report. Today in California there is a chance of rain today and on Sunday so stay warm. For the rest of the weak it will be sunny and cloudy in California. Now lets talk about north Dakota it will be sunny and cloudy all weak.
Weather Report What is a cold front? A cooler mass of air What is a warm front? A Warm mass of air What is a stationary front? When they meet
Hurricane Facts Hurricanes can be dangerous and some can’t. They destroy anything in there way.
Tornado Facts Tornadoes can destroy everything In sight it could be a strong tornado or a really weak tornado.
Introducing my GATE Teacher My gate teacher is Mr. Lewis he is funny, nice, and kind. He helps and makes things easy. He helps me until I get it right. He is awesome.
Why is GATE important to you? I think it is important because if you are in gate you are in the gifted and talented education and you feel really special.