Society and Culture
Society in West African Empires Most positions of leadership were reserved for men Women farmed and took care of the family Society was organized by castes
Social structure Emperor- most power Nobility- helped govern distant lands, paid tribute Traders/free people Skilled workers- iron workers, musicians Slavery Lowest level of society Born into slavery, war captives, political prisoners, kidnapped victims Preformed many tasks Soldiers, farmers, workers Many slaves had rights Could buy freedom, marry, not be separated from family
Importance of kinship Kinship= connection based on family relationships Families made up of many people including grandparents and aunt/uncles Linage= group of people from a common ancestor Building blocks of West African society Linage formed clans Several clans formed villages Clans shared language, culture, identity Also called an ethnic group
City and village life Arabic was the main language in cities and towns In villages families spoke languages of their ancestors and worshiped ancient gods Village economies were based on producing food City economies were based on trade
African Religions Great diversity of religion in West Africa Monotheistic religions Traditional religions Honoring ancestors Upon death traditional religions in West Africa believe their ancestors become a sprit Seek out sprit’s help when there is a problem
Cultural Legacy Arabic allowed for more learning and teaching within the African empires Oral tradition was strong Oral history, poetry, and folk tales taught and entertained Society was also rich with music, dance, and art Helped pass on history and culture
Rich Oral Tradition Story telling was a part of daily life Proverbs= wise sayings Griots= professional story tellers and oral historians “Every time an old man dies, it is as if a library has burnt down”
Music, Dance, and Art West African’s lives were filled with dance and music Songs taught responsibility Dance and music marked many important stages in a person’s life Dancers wore makes of gods and spirits Created and used many instruments Drum