TOURS TO THE MIDDLE EAST “Making Memories for a Lifetime”
Matthew Hone Has experience in the Middle East. Majored in Travel Minored in Middle East studies Owned this company for 8 years Speaks fluent Arabic and Hebrew.
TelAviv Capital of Israel Beautiful Beach Created in 1909 Modern and up to date Commercial center of Israel Many nighttime events for everyone
Old Jerusalem Holy city for over 3,000 years Many historical events have occurred Spiritual center for three great reigns Continuously inhabited city
Sea of Galilee Center of fertile hills and valleys Located in northern Israel 13 miles long 7 ½ miles wide
Masada Located in Southern Israel 1,300 ft. high 1,900 ft. long On the shores of the Dead Sea Its summit is a plateau
Giza A rich suburb of Cairo Tombs of Egyptian Pharos and Queens The Sphinx of Giza is a guardian Home of many unique pyramids