Slide 1 IETF TRADE WG 18 November 2002, Atlanta, Georgia Chair: Donald E.Eastlake 3rd
Slide 2 TRADE WG Agenda 13:00 Agenda Bashing 13:10 Documents Status 13:20 ECML V2 Specification –draft-ietf-trade-ecml2-spec-05.txt, Ecom_Loyalty_Card_Type 13:35 IOTP use of DNS SRV RR –draft-ietf-trade-srv-higher-services-00.txt, IOTP Tokens 13:50 XML Voucher Update –draft-ietf-trade-voucher-vtsapi-03.txt 14:00 SCCD and IOTP v2, the search for authors –RFC :20 Future Actions/Meetings
Slide 3 Document Status RFCs out –2801: Internet Open Trading Protocol - IOTP Version 1.0 –2802: Digital Signatures for the 1.0 Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) –2803: Digest Values for DOM (DOMHASH) –2935: Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) HTTP Supplement –2936: HTTP MIME Type Handler Detection –3354: Internet Open Trading Protocol Version 2 Requirements
Slide 4 Document Status (cont.) Documents Approved by IESG on 14 Nov –Requirements and Design for Voucher Trading System (VTS) draft-ietf-trade-drt-requirements-04.txt –Electronic Commerce Modeling Language (ECML): Version 2 Requirements draft-ietf-trade-ecml2-req-05.txt –SET Supplement for the v1.0 IOTP draft-ietf-trade-iotp-v1.0-set-02.txt –Payment API for v1.0 Internet Open Trading Protocol draft-ietf-trade-iotp-v1.0-papi-05.txt –Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) Version 1 Errata draft-ietf-trade-iotp-v1-errata-01.txt
Slide 5 Document Status (cont.) Active Documents in Working Group –Electronic Commerce Modeling Language (ECML): Version 2 Specification draft-ietf-trade-ecml2-spec-05.txt –XML Voucher: Generic Voucher Language draft-ietf-trade-voucher-lang-03.txt –Voucher Trading System Application Programming Interface (VTS-API) draft-ietf-trade-voucher-vtsapi-03.txt –DNS SRV Location of Higher Level Services draft-ietf-trade-srv-higher-services-00.txt
Slide 6 ECML V2 Specification draft-ietf-trade-ecml2-spec-05.txt –Donald E. Eastlake 3 rd, Motorola, and Jon Parsons, American Express. Added in -03: –The merchant to processor fields. –The Ecom_Wallet_Location & Ecom_User_Certificate_URL fields –The "Mode" attribute. Added in –04/-05 –The Loyalty Card, Device ID fields, and User Data fields. –More field definition footnotes.
Slide 7 ECML V2 Specification (cont.) Consensus on mail list except: –Addition of Ecom_Loyalty_Card_Type, length 20, which would contain a user recognizable brand name for the loyalty card, requested by Lauri Piikivi but overlooked. With addition of that field, ready for Working Group Last Call?
Slide 8 IOTP use of DNS SRV RR The service, or SRV, DNS resource record provides a facility for indicating where to find a particular service for a particular domain name. It is like MX for finding mail servers except: –It can map to different ports. –It can give different weights to different servers. –It uses a constructed name based on the service such as –See RFC 2782.
Slide 9 IOTP use of DNS SRV RR To extend this for higher level services such as IOTP and the XML Key Management Service (XKMS) draft-ietf-trade-srv-higher-services-00.txt extends the syntax to allow a third level such as – To provide separate search for IOTP services, we need to define token such as _iotp-merchant, _iotp-payment, _iotp-delivery, and _iotp-care. –_iotp-payment._http._tcp.merchant.example
Slide 10 XML Voucher: Generic Voucher Language & API Author: Ko Fujimura, NTT. –draft-ietf-trade-drt-requirements-04.txt - Done. XML Voucher Language –draft-ietf-trade-voucher-lang-03.txt VTS-API –draft-ietf-trade-voucher-vtsapi-03.txt
Slide 11 XML Voucher (cont.) Update on voucher adoption –Ko Fujimura reports that a profile may be adopted in IrFM v1.0 next year. See for some hints about what is going on. –NTT has developed a C version of VTS-API for embedded system use. Is there interest in publishing this through the IETF?
Slide 12 Future Actions/Meetings Needed: –Author/Editors for SCCD using ECML Specification IOTP v2 Specification Next IETF Meeting: –San Francisco, California, March 16-21, 2003 –see info as it appears on the IETF web page
Slide 13 END