The Stockholm Region Economy Stockholm Business Alliance Economy Q December 2015 Stockholm
The Stockholm Region Economy 2015 Q3 About the report The report is published each quarter by Stockholm Business Region. Statistics used is collected from Statistics Sweden, The Labour Exchange and The Swedish Companies Registration Office. The report can be downloaded from: business The Stockholm Region is defined as Stockholm County, Uppsala County, Gävleborg County, Västmanland County, Örebro County and Södermanland County. Individual county reports for the above mentioned can be found in Swedish here: Questions can be addressed to Vanessa Gisbert at Stockholm Business Region Development. Publisher: Olle Zetterberg. Strong economic figures for the Stockholm Region Stockholm’s economic growth continued during the third quarter of Aggregated gross pay data show positive growth figures for the Stockholm Region compared with the same quarter new companies were registered in the Stockholm Region during the third quarter 2015, which represents a 6 % increase compared to the third quarter The past four quarters in total new companies were registered representing an increase of 5 % in relation to the previous four quarters. The number of people employed has increased during the last quarter. The number of listed positions increased and the number of people given notice decreased. The unemployment rate decreased in the Stockholm Region compared with the same quarter The last four quarters the number of residents has increased by in relation to the previous four quarters in the Stockholm Region, representing a 1% increase in population for the region. The number of housing projects increased in the Stockholm Region compared with the same quarter In total apartments have been started in the region during the past four quarters. Olle Zetterberg CEO Stockholm Business Region Strong economic figures for the Stockholm Region Stockholm’s economic growth continued during the third quarter of Aggregated gross pay data show positive growth figures for the Stockholm Region compared with the same quarter new companies were registered in the Stockholm Region during the third quarter 2015, which represents a 6 % increase compared to the third quarter The past four quarters in total new companies were registered representing an increase of 5 % in relation to the previous four quarters. The number of people employed has increased during the last quarter. The number of listed positions increased and the number of people given notice decreased. The unemployment rate decreased in the Stockholm Region compared with the same quarter The last four quarters the number of residents has increased by in relation to the previous four quarters in the Stockholm Region, representing a 1% increase in population for the region. The number of housing projects increased in the Stockholm Region compared with the same quarter In total apartments have been started in the region during the past four quarters. Olle Zetterberg CEO Stockholm Business Region
Economic growth, private sector Index 100 = 2005 Q Q3 Change (%) since, Billion cr.2005 Q12010 Q12014 Q3 The Stockholm Region128,267,829,25,1 Rest of Sweden160,560,030,63,7 Stockholm county93,869,828,55,7 Uppsala county7,481,640,25,0 Södermanland county5,853,728,73,0 Örebro county7,361,631,14,1 Västmanland county7,156,231,82,3 Gävleborg county6,658,723,72,0 Source: Statistics Sweden
Economic growth by sector Index 100 = 2005 Q Q3 Growth (%) since, Billion cr.2005 Q12010 Q12014 Q3 INDUSTRY The Stockholm Region 19,617,611,51,1 Rest of Sweden 42,516,313,12,2 Stockholm county 9,614,610,52,2 Uppsala county 1,526,817,51,7 Södermanland county 1,714,315,2-0,6 Örebro county 2,122,013,92,2 Västmanland county 2,624,718,7-0,8 Gävleborg county 2,116,20,1-1,7 SERVICES The Stockholm Region 96,978,131,35,5 Rest of Sweden 99,277,037,04,0 Stockholm county 77,076,129,45,7 Uppsala county 4,997,743,05,1 Södermanland county 3,374,432,83,6 Örebro county 4,488,439,75,2 Västmanland county 3,984,242,33,8 Gävleborg county 3,584,336,53,8 OTHER* The Stockholm Region11,6119,549,39,1 Rest of Sweden18,8110,447,15,7 Stockholm county7,3130,049,810,7 Uppsala county1,1135,469,89,8 Södermanland county0,8108,747,29,1 Örebro county0,873,338,73,1 Västmanland county0,772,631,76,2 Gävleborg county0,9129,851,44,0 Source: Statistics Sweden *Other includes, agriculture, forestry and fishing, construction and unspecified sectors
The number of newly registred businesses Source: The Swedish Companies Registration Office. *Last four quarters 2015 Q3Yearly change* NumberCh., %NumberCh., % The Stockholm Region6 7195, ,6 Rest of Sweden , ,2 Stockholm county5 1036, ,6 Uppsala county429-3, ,4 Södermanland county296-10, ,9 Örebro county33111, ,2 Västmanland county2949, ,9 Gävleborg county26618, ,0
Company bankruptcies Source: Statistics Sweden *Last four quarters 2015 Q3Yearly change* NumberCh., %NumberCh., % The Stockholm Region503-17, ,2 Rest of Sweden698-12, ,0 Stockholm county365-18, ,2 Uppsala county4014,32146,5 Södermanland county17-37,01501,4 Örebro county18-52,6160-6,4 Västmanland county21-38,2145-2,0 Gävleborg county4235,5187-4,1
Employment rate Index 100 = 2008 Q1 NumberGrowthGrowth (%) since, 2015 Q3 Yearly ch.*2008 Q12010 Q12014 Q3 The Stockholm Region ,911,61,0 Rest of Sweden ,211,60,9 Stockholm county ,512,91,9 Uppsala county ,014,6-0,5 Södermanland county ,27,6-3,0 Örebro county ,49,9-0,7 Västmanland county ,110,60,6 Gävleborg county ,23,11,5 Source: Statistics Sweden *Last four quarters
The number of employed people in Stockholm County Source: Statistics Sweden NumberGrowthGrowth (%) since, 2015 Q3 Yearly ch.*2008 Q12010 Q12014 Q3 Total ,911,61,0 Agriculture, forestry & fishing ,3-7,1-20,6 Manufacturing, mining, quarrying & utilities ,9-2,4-1,0 Manufacturing of workshop products ,6-4,6-1,0 Construction ,98,41,2 Trade ,76,00,8 Transport ,05,8-0,2 Accommodation & food services ,117,41,9 Information & communication ,215,42,1 Arts, entertainment, recreation & other services ,26,8-9,0 Financial & insurance ,116,02,9 Public administration ,821,9-1,7 Education ,714,17,5 Health ,914,60,6 Unspecified ,1 Employed in Sweden ,911,61,1 Employed abroad ,227,0-56,9 *Last four quarters
Number of recently listed positions Index 100 = 2005 Q1 Source: The Labor Exchange 2015 Q3Yearly growth* NumberCh., %NumberCh., % The Stockholm Region , ,4 Rest of Sweden , ,0 Stockholm county , ,7 Uppsala county , ,4 Södermanland county , ,1 Örebro county , ,2 Västmanland county , ,7 Gävleborg county , ,2 *Last four quarters
The number of people given notice Index 100 = 2005 Q1 Source: The Labor Exchange 2015 Q3Yearly change* NumberCh., %NumberCh., % The Stockholm Region , ,3 Rest of Sweden , ,2 Stockholm county , ,4 Uppsala county84-52, ,8 Södermanland county129-45, ,3 Örebro county161-14, ,9 Västmanland county362-17, ,6 Gävleborg county212-39, ,9 *Last four quarters
Unemployment in relation to the population (%), years Source: The Labor Exchange and Statistics Sweden NumberYearly Unemployed out of population, years 2015 Q3change*2010 Q12014 Q32015 Q3 The Stockholm Region ,54,94,8 Sweden ,25,15,0 Stockholm county ,4 4,3 Uppsala county ,63,5 Södermanland county ,86,76,8 Örebro county ,45,45,3 Västmanland county ,26,0 Gävleborg county ,76,97,2 *Last four quarters
Population Index 100 = 2005 Q Q3Yearly ch.*Growth (%) since, (in thousands)2005 Q12010 Q12014 Q3 The Stockholm Region3 696,446,813,77,61,3 Rest of Sweden6 132,353,46,43,60,9 Stockholm county2 224,231,718,59,81,4 Uppsala county353,14,416,66,11,3 Södermanland county283,02,98,45,11,0 Örebro county290,73,26,24,11,1 Västmanland county263,92,71,14,91,0 Gävleborg county281,51,9 0,7 Source: Statistics Sweden *Development last four quarters
Number of housing projects started Index 100 = 2005 Q1 Source: Statistics Sweden 2015 Q3Yearly change* NumberCh., %NumberCh., % The Stockholm Region , ,7 Rest of Sweden , ,6 Stockholm county , ,2 Uppsala county267-15, ,9 Södermanland county57-78, ,0 Örebro county38843, ,2 Västmanland county6468, ,9 Gävleborg county780, ,6 *Last four quarters
Commercial Accommodations Index 100 = 2008 Q3 (Q3, ) 2015 Q3Yearly ch.*Growth (%) since, (in thousands) 2008 Q32010 Q32014 Q3 The Stockholm Region ,217,710,3 Rest of Sweden ,79,65,8 Stockholm county ,724,914,3 Uppsala county ,220,16,2 Södermanland county ,0-5,1-2,0 Örebro county ,26,410,4 Västmanland county ,214,65,0 Gävleborg county ,2-6,9-7,0 Source: Statistics Sweden and Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth *Development last four quarters
Stockholm Business Region Stockholm Business Region is responsible for developing and promoting Stockholm as a business and tourist destination under the brand Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia. The aim is to make Stockholm the leading sustainable growth region in Europe. Stockholm Business Region is owned by the city of Stockholm and has two subsidiaries Stockholm Business Region Development and Stockholm Visitors Board. For questions: Contact Vanessa Gisbert, Stockholm Business Region. Publisher: Olle Zetterberg, CEO Stockholm Business Region Stockholm Business Region P.O. Box SE Stockholm, Sweden Phone