Curriculum Night CTA-Liberty 5 th grade
Rotations – 4 Academic Periods Math – Mrs. Valenzuela & Mrs. Nall (1 st quarter sub) Reading – Mrs. Smedstad Science & Social Studies – Mrs. Gonzalez Writing/Language Arts – Ms. Battani Questions should be addressed with your child’s specific subject area teacher. Specials will be during 2 nd period.
Math Saxon Math (6 th grade) & Common Core (5 th grade) Number and Operations Algebra Geometry Measurement Data Analysis and Probability Problem Solving Cumulative practice and assessment after 5 lessons Math Facts: 100 problems in 2 ½ minutes – assessed monthly
Reading Accelerated Reader Individual point goals Reading comprehension scores Students must read 30 minutes each night at home Check AR HomeConnect to monitor progress with AR Literature Studies that may be used (district approved) Hatchet My Brother Sam is Dead Where the Red Fern Grows Elijah of Buxton Freak the Mighty Open Court
Phonograms (Reading Class) We practice 30 phonograms per week, both orally and written. Tests are weekly Once a month we assess all 70
Oral Presentations (Reading Class) Quarterly Poem Recitations 2 or more per quarter Focus on eye contact, volume, memorization, and fluency All major reports have an oral presentation component
Writing Q1- How-To and Narratives Q2- President Report Q3- Expository and Persuasive Q4- State Reports All year long: narratives, informative, business letters, friendly letters, journal writing, persuasive essays. Students will be taught and assessed using the “Six Traits of Writing” and “Write from the Beginning” Thinking Maps
Spelling (Writing Class) Spelling words are taken from the Extended Ayres word list. We are starting in section “T” We input 30 words per week. Please check their spelling notebooks each night. We test a week behind every Thursday. Spelling activities will be assigned on Monday and are due on Friday. Spelling City will be used
Grammar (Writing Class) Main three sources in teaching grammar: Succeeding in Reading-Spalding Easy Grammar Writer’s Express All grammar is reinforced during the writing lesson.
Science The Scientific Method/Science Fair Matter, Atoms, & Molecules Forces and Motion Human Body Systems Skeletal and Nervous Systems Human Growth and Development Earth and Space Science
Social Studies Geography/Regions States and Capitals American History (Exploration-Civil War) Major reports correspond with writing
Classroom Business Tuesday Folders To be signed each Tuesday and returned each Wednesday Behavior/Homework Logs No/incomplete homework Behavior infractions Tuesday folder not signed/returned 3 or more marks – student misses TDA TDA Art/indoor games, outdoor games/varying activity, study hall Check class websites to stay updated on what’s going on Checking Infinite Campus to keep track of child’s grades