Telework Recent Research Findings
Why Showing Your Face at Work Matters MIT Sloan Management Review - Summer, 2012 Telecommuting may be hazardous to employee evaluations Supervisors often look more favorably upon employees who put in "face time.“ Managers promote subpar employees over superior candidates that telecommute
The hard truth about telecommuting BLS “Monthly Labor Review - June, 2012” 24 percent of employed Americans reporting that they work at least some hours at home each week. Obstacles or barriers to telecommuting seem to be more organizational, stemming from the managers’ reluctance to give up direct supervisory control of workers telecommuting is not being predominately used as a substitute for working onsite during the first 40 hours worked per week. Telecommuters work 10 – 18 % more hours per week than non-telecommuters
The hard truth about telecommuting Telecommuting has not permeated the American workplace, and where it has become commonly used, it is not helpful in reducing work-family conflicts; telecommuting appears, instead, to have become instrumental in the general expansion of work hours, facilitating workers’ needs for additional worktime beyond the standard workweek and/or the ability of employers to increase or intensify work demands among their salaried employees