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Meaning of Administrative Control Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other organizations in respect to administration and support
Meaning of …… including organization of Service forces control of resources and equipment
Meaning of …… personnel management unit logistics individual and unit training willingness, mobilization, demobilization, discipline,
Meaning of …… and other matters not included in the operational missions of the subordinate or other organizations
Meaning of …… The administrative control of the government remains everywhere. You can't have a government within the country and not have control over everything that's happening in the country Even in the Election Commission there is some extent of administrative control
Control of Government for People of Pakistan Local government is a form of public administration which in a majority of contexts, exists as the lowest level of administration within Pakistan
Control of …… The term is used to contrast with offices at state level, which are referred to federal government for Pakistan
Control of …… Local governments generally act within powers delegated to them by legislation or directives of the higher level of government
Control of …… In federal states, local government generally comprises the third (or sometimes fourth) level of government, whereas in unitary states local government usually occupies the second or third tier of government, often with greater powers than higher-level administrative divisions
Control of …… A unitary state is a state governed as one single unit in which the central government is supreme and any administrative divisions (sub- national units) exercise only powers that their central government chooses to delegate. The great majority of states in the world have a unitary system of government.
Control of …… The question of municipal autonomy is a key question of public administration and governance
Control of …… The institutions of local government differ greatly between countries, and even where similar arrangements exist, the terminology often varies.
Control of …… Common names for local government entities include, state, province, department, district, municipality, and village
Control of …… Local government is the third tier of government in Pakistan, after Federal Government and Provincial Government
Control of …… There are three types of administrative unit of local government in Pakistan: 1. District Govt. Administrations 2. Town Municipal Administrations 3. Union Council Administrations
Control of …… There are over five thousand local governments in Pakistan. Since 2001, these have been led by democratically elected local councils, each headed by a Nazim (the word means "supervisor" in Urdu, but is sometimes translated as Mayor)
Control of …… Some districts, incorporating large metropolitan areas, are called City Districts. A City District may contain subdivisions called Towns and Union Councils
Control of …… Council elections are held every four years. District Governments also include a District Coordination Officer (DCO), who is a civil servant in-charge of all devolved departments. Currently, the Powers of Nazim are also held by the DCO
Control of …… The Local Government Ordinance provides for devolution of government to district administrations Districts are the third tier of government, being sub-divisions of provinces. Prior to the Local Government Ordinance they were known as sub-divisions
Control of …… Each district administration is headed by a District Coordinating Officer [DCO] and a Zila Nazim
Control of …… The District Coordination Officer is the administrative head of the District Administration. He have wide-ranging responsibility for overseeing, improving and directing the approved plans of the District Government
Control of …… The Zila Nazim used to be the executive head of the District Administration up until 2010, when the government gave their powers to the District Coordination Officers
Control of …… The Zila Nazim role is similar to district governor or prefect, with responsibility for implementing government strategy and developing initiatives arising out of it
Control of …… A Union Council in Pakistan is an elected local government body consisting of 21 councilors, and headed by a nazim (which is equivalent to a mayor) and a naib nazim (deputy)
Control of …… Union Councils are the fifth tier of government in Pakistan and are often known as village councils in rural areas, the territory represented by a village council usually comprises a large village and surrounding areas, often including nearby small villages. The term "union council" may be used for localities that are part of cities
Control of …… Headed by a union nazim, each union council has 13 elected members or councilors
Control of …… The 13 Members In addition to 4 male and 2 female members elected directly, there are 2 male and 2 female representatives of the labour, 1 minority member, 1 union nazim and 1 his deputy known as union naib nazim
Control of …… Beside elected members, there are several government employees and functionaries in every union council, who report to the secretary of the union council. The latter is a civil servant appointed by the state
Control of …… The territory of a union council or village council is usually part of a tehsil (a district subdivision). Less commonly, a union council may be part of a city district
Next Topic - Structure of Department, Divisions, Public Corporations, in Pakistan Pakistan Administrative Service, Appointment of DMG/PAS Officers Central Superior Services The 12 Directorates Corporations in Pakistan Divisions in Public Sector in Pakistan