Modifications assembly zone CRAB Cavity SM18 View assembly zone with Cavitys LHC cryomodule/string CRAB + gantry/cryomodule SPL (plan: LHCACFGA_T0036) Pierre Minginette 04/02/2016 LHC cryomodule SPL cryomodule + assembly tooling Cable tray electrical supply Gantry Electrical Rack supply Gantry CRAB assembly Gantry String assembly CRAB Cavity
Access space between the gantry and the new barrier: 820mm
Electrical supply Rack+cable tray for Gantry Fixed Support for Gantry (4x) Barrier around Gantry zone Modifications of Zone: 1-Add electrical supply Rack need 400V/16A and GPN connection point + cable tray to the Gantry 2-Add Barrier around Gantry zone 3-Fixed on the concret floor the support for the legs of gantry