© A Jul-12
H NaCl (s) Na + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation Na (s) + ½ Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Na (g) + Cl (g) Na + (g) + e - + Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies NaCl © A Jul-12
H Na + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation Na (s) + ½ Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Na (g) + Cl (g) Na + (g) + e - + Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies Ionic compound (s) © A Jul-12
H Na + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation H formation H atomisation(s) Na (g) + Cl (g) Na + (g) + e - + Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies Ionic compound (s) Elements (std states) © A Jul-12
H Na + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation H formation H atomisation(s) Na + (g) + e - + Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies Ionic compound (s) Elements (std states) Gas atoms (g) © A Jul-12
H Na + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation H formation H atomisation(s) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies Ionic compound (s) Elements (std states) Gas atoms (g) Metal ions, e - ’s, non-metal atoms (g) © A Jul-12
H H lattice energy of formation H formation H atomisation(s) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies Ionic compound (s) Elements (std states) Gas atoms (g) Metal ions, e - ’s, non-metal atoms (g) Gas ions (g) © A Jul-12
H Ionic compound (s) Gas ions (g) H lattice energy of formation Elements (std states) H formation H atomisation(s) Gas atoms (g) Metal ions, e - ’s, non-metal atoms (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies H formation = sum of all other H’s © A Jul-12
H NaCl (s) Na + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation Na (s) + ½ Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Na (g) + Cl (g) Na + (g) + e - + Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies NaCl –364 –771 H formation = – 364 – 771 = – 411 kJmol -1 ? © A Jul-12
H MgCl 2 (s) Mg 2+ (g) + 2 Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation Mg (s) + Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Mg (g) + 2 Cl (g) Mg 2+ (g) + 2 e Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies MgCl (121) (–364) ? – 642 = (121) – 2(364) + H lattice H lattice = – 642 – 150 – 2(121) – 736 – (364) = – 2492 kJ mol -1 –642 © A Jul-12
H KCl (s) K + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation K (s) + ½ Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) K (g) + Cl (g) K + (g) + e - + Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies KCl –364 – 710 H formation = – 364 – 710 = – 445 kJ mol -1 ? © A Jul-12
H CaBr 2 (s) Ca 2+ (g) + 2 Br - (g) H lattice energy of formation Ca (s) + Br 2 (l) H formation H atomisation(s) Ca (g) + 2 Br(g) Ca 2+ (g) + 2 e Br (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies CaBr (112) (–342) –2125 ? H formation = (112) – 2(342) – 2125 = – 652 kJ mol -1 © A Jul-12
H Al 2 O 3 (s) 2 Al 3+ (g) + 2 O 2 - (g) H lattice energy of formation 2 Al (s) + 3 / 2 O 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) 2 Al (g) + 3 O (g) 2 Al 3+ (g) + 6 e O (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies Al 2 O 3 2(314) 3(248) 2(577) 2(1820) 2(2740) 3(–142) 3(844) ? –1669 = 2(314) + 3(248) + 2(577) + 2(1820) + 2(2740) + 3(-142) + 3(844) + H H = –1669 – 2(314) – 3(248) – 2(577) – 2(1820) – 2(2740) + 3(142) – 3(844) = – kJ mol -1 –1669 © A Jul-12
H CaO (s) Ca 2+ (g) + O 2 - (g) H lattice energy of formation Ca (s) + ½ O 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Ca (g) + O (g) Ca 2+ (g) + 2 e - + O (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies CaO – ? – 635 = – H lattice H lattice = – 635 – 193 – 248 – 590 – – 844 = – 3518 kJ mol -1 –635 © A Jul-12
H CaI 2 (s) Ca 2+ (g) + 2 I - (g) H lattice energy of formation Ca (s) + I 2 (s) H formation H atomisation(s) Ca (g) + 2 I(g) Ca 2+ (g) + 2 e I (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies CaI (107) X – 2054 – 535 = (107) X – X = – 535 – 193 – 2(107) – 590 – 1150 – X = X = – 314 kJ mol -1 –535 © A Jul-12
H CuO (s) Cu 2+ (g) + O 2 - (g) H lattice energy of formation Cu (s) + ½ O 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Cu (g) + O (g) Cu 2+ (g) + 2 e - + O (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies CuO X – – 4149 – 155 = X – – 4149 X = – 155 – 248 – 745 – – = kJ mol -1 –155 © A Jul-12
H CoCl (s) Co + (g) + Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation Co (s) + ½ Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Co (g) + Cl(g) Co + (g) + e - + Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies CoCl –364 –700 ? H formation = – 364 – 700 = kJ mol -1 © A Jul-12
H CoCl 2 (s) Co 2+ (g) + 2 Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation Co (s) + Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Co (g) + 2 Cl(g) Co 2+ (g) + 2 e Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies CoCl (121) (–364) –2624 ? H formation = (121) – 2(364) – 2624 = – 286 kJ mol -1 © A Jul-12
H CoCl 3 (s) Co 3+ (g) + 3 Cl - (g) H lattice energy of formation Co (s) + 3 / 2 Cl 2 (g) H formation H atomisation(s) Co (g) + 3 Cl(g) Co 3+ (g) + 3 e Cl (g) H ionisation energy/ies H electron affinity/ies CoCl (121) (–364) –5350 ? H formation = (121) – 3(364) – 5350 = – 25 kJ mol -1 © A Jul-12