Looking Forward Group 3: Deborah Ingles, Britan Doe, Austin Mabey, Camille Jensen, and Christa Fox 1
Average Budget: Housing: $ Groceries: $ Fuel: $ Utilities: $ Car: $ Misc.: $ Savings: $ Deborah5
Are all of these relevant for all of us? After reviewing the group’s individual budgets I noticed that we all require housing and insurance costs, groceries, utilities, clothing and transportation. I also noticed that other members went more in depth of breaking down their budget in more areas. Researching all of these I see that most things included in the budgets are relevant for everyone in the group. Other things members included were health insurance, daycare, savings, entertainment, car repair, cell phone, home insurance, home repair, etc. All things listed are things that I think we all need to consider into our budgets to take care of our families. What additional costs that people included surprise you or make you want to add this to your budget? After reviewing everyone’s budgets I noticed that a few people thought of a few expenses that I didn’t even consider because they are not normal bills that I pay. I definitely would be able to go more in depth with what I’d have for a budget now, knowing the added expenses other members included. I may have added other costs like house maintenance, health insurance, savings, phone bill, emergency fund, car insurance, and entertainment. Britan6
The houses chosen by each person were based on what income range they fell in. The 3 students income that ranged from over 50,000 chose a home in a similar price range. While the income range below 50,000 their home price fell by less than half of those who had income over $50,000. The category groceries, utility and car the budget for each person were very similar no matter the income that they would be making. This shows that these are not areas are ones that no matter the income it is expected that one have the money for this. In the category misc. and savings each persons budget was different, some were more simplified, while others were more detailed in their expenses, leaving room for more expenses in misc. or more savings to occur in the budgets that were not as detailed. Deborah7
What most of our annual income was going towards Austin8
Net Loan($)Interest Rate (15yr,30yr) Monthly payment(15 ) ($) Total Amount Paid for 15yr ($) Monthly payment(30 ) ($) Total Amount Paid for 30yr ($) 76, %,3.85 % , , , %,3%2, , , ,1003%,3.49%1, , , , %,2.875 % 1, , , , %,3.99 5% , , Austin10
Buying Builds equity More money upfront Cheaper monthly than renting Paying property tax Paying yard care, utilities, and repairs Could upgrade or make changes without permission Stable Builds equity More money upfront Cheaper monthly than renting Paying property tax Paying yard care, utilities, and repairs Could upgrade or make changes without permission Stable Renting Temporary More money each month than a mortgage Yard care, utilities, and home repairs might be included Paying money upfront (deposit) you will most likely never get back. Temporary More money each month than a mortgage Yard care, utilities, and home repairs might be included Paying money upfront (deposit) you will most likely never get back. Austin/Christa12