THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: McCarthy and Leatherman, Performance Snapshots, Satisfaction with Nursing Home Care: Percentage of People with Substantial Nursing Home Experience, 2001 Data: National Survey on Nursing Homes (NewsHour with Jim Lehrer/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health, October 2001). Adapted with permission. Substantial nursing home experience means those who report that, in the past three years, they have been a resident in a nursing home or have known someone in a nursing home and visited them at least once a month over that time. Overall, how satisfied are you with the services provided by the nursing home? Would you recommend this facility to someone else who needs nursing home care?
THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: McCarthy and Leatherman, Performance Snapshots, Ratings of Nursing Home Staff and Staff Levels: Percentage of People with Substantial Nursing Home Experience, 2001 Data: National Survey on Nursing Homes (NewsHour with Jim Lehrer/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health, October 2001). Adapted with permission. Substantial nursing home experience means those who report that, in the past three years, they have been a resident in a nursing home or have known someone in a nursing home and visited them at least once a month over that time.
THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: McCarthy and Leatherman, Performance Snapshots, Ratings of Nursing Home Quality of Life: Percentage of People with Substantial Nursing Home Experience, 2001 Data: National Survey on Nursing Homes (NewsHour with Jim Lehrer/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health, October 2001). Adapted with permission. Substantial nursing home experience means those who report that, in the past three years, they have been a resident in a nursing home or have known someone in a nursing home and visited them at least once a month over that time.