Elementary school in Prague 2,Jana Masaryka 21 Our school is located in Prague, in Czech.
The History of School School was built on Královské Vinohrady in year 1885.Teaching started on 15th October.
Evolution of school was interrupted by the first World War. In this time building served to Army. In time of peace school started again.
At second World War was school damaged. On 6th June in 1945 teaching started again and school was during holidays rebuilt.
Languages -We have two foreign languages -German and English -English we have five years, and german three years -English-we have 3-4 times a week - German-we have two times a week
Foundation During the school year we're seeing many cultural, theatral and film productions.Most of the pupils ntake part at the school camps, sports or stays tours (skis, wheels, ice skating, swimming, hiking,...) We take part in charity actions-adoption at a distance-education Indic girl sponsorship. We pay money also for the adoption of animals in the Prague ZOO. This is the tradition, such as help after devastating floods in During the school year we're seeing many cultural, theatral and film productions.Most of the pupils ntake part at the school camps, sports or stays tours (skis, wheels, ice skating, swimming, hiking,...) We take part in charity actions-adoption at a distance-education Indic girl sponsorship. We pay money also for the adoption of animals in the Prague ZOO. This is the tradition, such as help after devastating floods in 2002.
After School -the school has sports playground -most of the younger pupils goes to afternschool care -students from the second level have the possibility to visit school club
.. And this is Our School.... And this is Our School..