Report to ANM 21 on the IALA Workshop on Developing IHO S-100 Product Specifications for e-Navigation Bjorn Erik Krosness Norwegian Coastal Administration
Executive Summary Workshop attended by 35 delegates representing 17 countries A series of presentations (17) were given broadly covering: – IHO S-100 and IHO S-101 standards – Examples of developing Product Specifications (PS) – Introduction to the draft Product Specification Guideline Working groups (3) established to discuss and produce guidance: – Aids to Navigation Information – finalise draft PS – Maritime Safety Information and Notices to Mariners – commence work on a PS – Inter VTS Exchange Format (IVEF) – review of draft PS Inability of IHO S-100 to handle data streaming identified as a significant issue
IHO S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model (1) A hydrographic data model aligned with mainstream GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Is extensible (future requirements can be accommodated) Subsequently enables use of hydrographic data for a number of applications in addition to basic ECDIS such as: – Surface Currents – High-density bathymetry – 3D and time varying data (x, y, z and time) – Coastal zone mapping – Web-based services for acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing and presenting hydrographic data
IHO S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model (2) To be used as a baseline for data access and services within SOLAS (COMSAR 15) Seen as a first step towards the Common Maritime Data Structure for e-Navigation An on-line registry that contains the following components is established by IHO: – Feature Concept Dictionary (FCD) Register – Portrayal Register – in development – Metadata Register – in development – Register of data producer codes IALA domains (AtoN, AIS and VTS) established within the Registry
IHO standards relating to S-100 S-99 Operational Procedures for the Organization and Management of the S-100 Geospatial Information Registry S-101 Electronic Navigational Chart Product Specification – under development S-57 Edition 3.1 shall be usable in S-101 compliant ECDIS systems by the use of a translator S-102 Bathymetric Surface Product Specification S-10n Nautical Publications (?) S-10n Tidal Heights (?) S-10n MetOcean (?)
IHO S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model vs. S-57 IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data S-57 – present status: – In use for encoding of: Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) Additional Military Layers (AML) Marine Information Overlays (MIO) Inland ENCs Port ENCs – Has limited use in the GIS domain – Is inflexible with respect to maintenance (S-57 Edition 3.1 “active” but “frozen” since 2000), do not support a number of emerging applications. S-100 will eventually replace S-57: – S-100 trials to commence in 2014 – Time for replacement of S years + from today (?)
The need for guidelines IALA Guideline No Procedures for the Management of the IALA Domains under the IHO GI Registry IALA Guideline No Introduction to Preparing S-100 Productions IALA Guideline No. #### Producing an IALA S-100 Product Specification Note: Developing IHO S-100 Product Specifications requires specialist knowledge of data modelling. Success depends nevertheless on cooperation between the feature object owner and the data modelling specialist. Some knowledge of UML by the mariner could be advantageous for the process.
Management of IALA Domains Managerial responsibility within IALA for the management of its domains in the IHO Registry: – IALA Domain Management – IALA Field Managers – IALA Product Specification (PS) Developer A developer is appointed to manage each IALA PS A list of individual PS Developers is maintained by the IALA Secretariat There can, for instance, be more than one AtoN PS
The AtoN Product Specification(s) Basic element is the application schema Unified Modelling Language (UML) to be used: – Achieves a common and correct understanding – May provide a computer readable schema The application schema is subject to a number of rules IHO has standardized on Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems for modelling