Mahayaha Buddhism #9 Kamakura Buddhism 1: Dogen (ZEN/Soutou-shu) Masayo Urasaki(Faa) 16 August 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Mahayaha Buddhism #9 Kamakura Buddhism 1: Dogen (ZEN/Soutou-shu) Masayo Urasaki(Faa) 16 August 2012

Today ’ s schedule 1) Brief explanation of Kamakura Era and Dogen (道元) 2) DVD “ 禅 ZEN ” (Amuse soft Entertainment, 2008)

Keywords ・ Kamakura Buddhism (鎌倉仏教) ・ Dogen (道元) ・ Zen (禅) ・ Soto-shu (曹洞宗) ・ Eihei-ji / Eihei-temple (永平寺) ・ Shikan- taza (只管打坐) ・ Shinshin- datsuraku (心身脱落)

Before Kamakura Buddhism …  Mappo shisou (末法思想) the concept of “ Decay of the Dharma ” This thoughts from China 1) Right of the Dharma (after Buddha death 1000 yrs) ○ Teaching ○ Practice ○ Enlightenment 2) Figures of the Dharma (next 1000 yrs) ○ Teaching ○ Practice × Enlightenment 3) Decay of the Dhrama ○ Teaching ×Practice × Enlightenment  In Japan, people believed Decay of the Law start since 1052 years

Kamakura Buddhism  Kamakura Era (end of 12c – end of 13c) “ The Reformation of Japanese Buddhism ” Three main sects ① Zen / Sotou-shu(Dogen) and Rinzai shu(Eisai) ② Nichiren shu (Nichiren) ③ Jodo shu/ Pure Land (Honen) Jodo shin shu / Ture Pure Land (Shinran)

Dogen ( 道元) ’ s Brief History  Founder of Soto-shu (曹洞宗)  Born at suburb of Kyoto  Both parents are high nobility,but they passed away when Dogen was child  Became monk at Hiei Temple when 12 years old  Study ZEN at China ( )  His master is Ji-Ching (如浄) at Mount T ’ ien-t ’ ung (天童山) ( )

From DVD “ 禅 Zen ” Some Keywords  Dogen ’ s master Ji-Ching (如浄) at Mount T ’ ien-t ’ ung (天童 山)  Just Sitting in Meditation / 只管打坐 (shikan- taza)  Mind and Body fall away / 心身脱落

 Eyes horizontal, Nose vertical (眼横鼻直)  Things as they are/Aruba mama (あるがまま )  Flowers in Spring, Cuckoos in Summer The moon in Autumn and chilly snows in Winter (春は花 夏ほととぎす 秋は月 冬雪さえてすずし かりけり)

 To Study the Buddha Way is to study the self 仏道をなろうというは 自己をなろうなり To study the self is to forget the self 自己をなろうというは 自己を忘るるなり Important Phrases of “ Dogen ’ s Teaching ”

To forget the self is to be enlightened by everything 自己を忘るるというは 万証に証せらるるなり To be enlightened by everything is to free your own body and mind 万証に証せらるるというは 自己の身心 および And the body and mind of others 他己の身心をして 脱落せしむるなり