Notebook Check: Due Monday: Chapter 6 Notes! 1. Vocabulary Definitions 2. Locative Case 3. Active and Passive Verbs 4. Preposition Notes Ablatives Accusatives Exceptions 5. Substantive Adjectives
Warm-up …… Part 2 Try to translate into Latin: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Bonus, Malus, Foedusque
Referential Notes: Substantive Adjectives In Latin, adjectives are commonly used as nouns, because adjectives still use the same gender, number, and case as the nouns they are replacing. Sub = under Sto, stare = stand Literally: Stand-in Adjective In English, substantives are much more rare. “The rich,” “the poor,” and “the young” are a few examples.
Referential Notes: Substantive Adjectives General Rules (outside of context) : Masculine Adjectives - translate as “men” Feminine Adjectives - translate as “women” Neuter Adjectives - translate as “things” Also applies to demonstrative adjectives, such as is, ea, id E.G. Bona = Good womanEa = that woman [she] Bonus = Good manIs = that man [he] Bonum = Good thing Id = that thing [it]
Translation: Cicero on Friendship Few men have true friends, and few are worthy. True friendship is splendid, and all splendid things are rare. Many stupid men always thing about money, few about friends; but they are wrong: We are able to be strong without much money, but without friendship, we are not strong, and life is nothing.
Referential Notes: Preposition Notes Page 1: Ablative With a Preposition Place Where Preposition: In, Sub Uses: Describes location e.g. in oppido = in the town Place From Which Preposition: Ab, Ex, De Uses: Describes place of origin e.g. ex oppido = out from the
Referential Notes: Preposition Notes Page 1: Ablative With a Preposition Ablative of Agent Preposition: Ab Translation: By Uses: For passive verbs to describe the agent of the verb Ablative of Accompaniment Preposition: Cum Uses: To describe a companion or accompanying object
Referential Notes: Preposition Notes Page 2: Ablative Without a Preposition Ablative of Means Translation: By means of Uses: To describe the means by which an action is completed baculo = by means of a baculum Ablative of Price Translation: No specific translation Uses: When giving a specific price, put the price into the ABL. Note: Seen in Chapter 8 mostly
Referential Notes: Preposition Notes Page 3: Accusative Prepositional Phrases Accusative of Place to Which Preposition: Ad Uses: Describes destination Accusative of Place Into Which Preposition: In Translation: Into/Onto Uses: Put the noun into the accusative case to change “In” (in or on) to (into or onto)
Fancy Notes: Add to Preposition Notes: Exceptions to the normal prepositional phrases Page 2 ABL Without a Preposition When dealing with cities, leave out Ab, but keep the city name in the ABL. E.G. ab Romā = Romā from Rome = from Rome Page 3 ACC Prepositional Phrases When dealing with cities, leave out Ad, but keep the city name in the ACC. E.G. ad Romam = Romam to Rome = to Rome