Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives are placed before a noun to draw attention to where someone or something is located in relation to yourself. These adjectives must agree in gender and number.
1. Questo is used before masculine singular nouns that begin with a consonant. questo cappello this hat
2. Questa is used before feminine singular nouns that begin with a consonant. questa cravatta this tie
3. Quest’ is used before masculine and feminine singular nouns beginning with a vowel. quest’orologio this watch
4. Questi is used before masculine plural nouns. questi pantaloni these pants
5. Queste is used before feminine plural nouns. queste scarpe these shoes
6. Quel is used before masculine singular nouns that begin with a consonant. quel cappello that hat
7. Quell’ is used before masculine and feminine singular nouns that begin with a vowel. quell’orologio that watch
8. Quello is used before masculine singular nouns that begin with a “z” or “s+consonant”. quello zaino that backpack
9. Quella is used before feminine singular nouns that begin with a consonant. quella camicetta that blouse
10. Quei is used before masculine plural nouns that begin with a consonant. quei pantaloni those pants
11. Quegli is used before masculine plural nouns that begin with a vowel, AND with a “z” or with “s + consonant”. quegli occhiali those eyeglasses
12. Quelle is used before feminine plural nouns. quelle scarpe those shoes