Www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum 2014 UPDATE IFRC – Southeast Asia Regional Delegation Bangkok,


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Presentation transcript:

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum 2014 UPDATE IFRC – Southeast Asia Regional Delegation Bangkok, 16 th September, 2014.

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House (1/2) No.Roadmap 2014Achievements 1Cross-country trainings Internships and exchanges Peer-to-peer learning 2Integrated country planning - Draft Manual for multi sectoral assessment - Climate Change Curriculum 3Contingency plans and SOPs for NSs - CP VNRC - Multi-hazard CP Myanmar (draft) 4Cooperation with ASEAN and other partners - Technical discussions with AHA Centre - AADMER Meeting Brunei / May ASEAN Dengue Day / Manila June ADDM 2013 / Joint simulations with governments and ASEAN

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House (2/2) No.Roadmap 2014Achievements 5Communication between RDMC / CSRF and Leaders’ Meeting - TOR CSRF drafted by Chairs of 3 working groups in July CSRF mechanism and recommendations discussed at Singapore Leaders’ Meeting – March Leaders participating in CSRF NDRT / RDRT- Joint NDRT curriculum developed and piloted in TRCS - Elite RDRT (ongoing mapping) 7-8Integration RDMC, Health and OD Joint meeting this year for the first time! 9Beneficiary Communication Case studies 10Resource Mobilization Resilience Initiative, School Safety, Malaria, Migration, Urban resilience…

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum New Initiative and new partners  Resilience Initiative (focusing on partnerships, humanitarian diplomacy, gender, etc.) funded by Canadian Government and Canadian RC.  School Safety Initiative funded by Hong Kong RC. This will increase our partnership with the Asian Coalition for School Safety and linkage with YABC  Climate Smart Malaria Programming in Mekong countries – Norwegian RC.  Climate Change TOT supported by Finnish Red Cross (both financially and technically).

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Challenges to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map  Integrated planning  Inter department / cross sector  National and regional: how the regional level brings value to your work in countries  NS + IFRC + PNS: moving towards a “one plan” approach for each country  Resource mobilization:  Accessing development funds  Embedding OD in our programming (branch development, PMER, etc.)  Some gaps in funding

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Opportunities to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map  Continue promoting our resilience (integrated) approach and regional cooperation  Becoming a learning region / sharing knowledge  Global RDRT review: adapting to our context to be better prepared as a region  Enhancing our use of social media and embracing innovation  Building evidence: increasing the quality of our publications  Humanitarian Diplomacy: Sendai Conference in March 2015

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum NS engagement to strengthen the coordination and cooperation at Regiona level Internal Acting as one team (NS, IFRC country / region and zone, PNSs) A proposition for updated roadmap: taskforces for key regional activities… - with 1 NS leading and other NSs contributing… can be from various sectors - Specific mandate for 1 year and clear output to be reported at next CSRF External  ASEAN  Mekong  ACSS  WHO  ADPC / Academia

Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Planning ahead: 2015 highlights  RDRT  Regional contingency planning  Climate-smart programming / EWEA  School Safety  Gender and Diversity  Pandemic Preparedness  Migration  NCDs  HD