RUSSIAN PROGRAM OF FUNDAMENTAL SPACE RESEARCH Mikhail Panasyuk Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Space Agency - Roscosmos
FUNDAMENTAL SPACE RESEARCH IN RUSSIA FUNDAMENTAL SPACE RESEARCH IN RUSSIA 7 main basic scientific directions: 7 main basic scientific directions: Extra atmospheric astronomy Extra atmospheric astronomy Cosmic rays physics Cosmic rays physics Studies of Planets and Small bodies of the Solar system, Studies of Planets and Small bodies of the Solar system, Physics of Space plasma and solar-terrestrial interactions Physics of Space plasma and solar-terrestrial interactions Earth observations Earth observations Material science in space Material science in space Space biology and medicine Space biology and medicine Space Council of RAS is responsible for the plan development
FUNDAMENTAL SPACE RESEARCH M ISSIONS to launch till 2010 “ R IM – P AMELA” (2006) “ Konus ” (2006) “ N UCLEON” (2008) “ S PECTR - R ” (2007) “ S PECTRUM - UV ” (2010) TUS (2010)
PROJECT “RIM – PAMELA” (Russian-Italian mission )
PROJECT “RIM – PAMELA” (Russian-Italian Mission ) Goal Of The Project – to study in the near-Earth space fluxes of antiparticles (antiprotons, positrons, light nucleus), electrons and isotope abundance of the primary cosmic rays.
PROJECT “RIM – PAMELA” (russian-italian mission ) Experiment “Rim – Pamela” will be an additional scientific payload for the spacecraft “Resurs 01”. “Resurs 01” will be launched on a sun ‑ synchronized orbit with height 690 km and inclination 98.5°.
PROJECT “RIM – PAMELA” (russian-italian mission ) Payload mass is 470 kg together with the PAMELA instrument. The period of the active operation is 3 year. The spacecraft launch is planned for 2006
Goals Of The Project– Goals Of The Project– detailed study of the time histories of gamma-ray bursts; detailed study of the time histories of gamma-ray bursts; study of the gamma-ray burst energy spectra over a wide energy range from 10 keV up to 10 MeV; study of the gamma-ray burst energy spectra over a wide energy range from 10 keV up to 10 MeV; study of the fast spectral variability of burst radiation both in the continuum and in features; study of the fast spectral variability of burst radiation both in the continuum and in features; search and investigation of an optical activity of the burst sources beginning from initial phase of the event registered in gamma-rays, significant refinement of localization at possible detection of an optical transient. search and investigation of an optical activity of the burst sources beginning from initial phase of the event registered in gamma-rays, significant refinement of localization at possible detection of an optical transient. localization of gamma-ray burst sources by two independent methods: by the autonomously localization system and by the triangulation method in cooperation with localization of gamma-ray burst sources by two independent methods: by the autonomously localization system and by the triangulation method in cooperation with CONUS – A & CONUS-WIND
The joint RussianAmerican KONUS-WIND experiment has been successfully carried out at the American spacecraft “Wind” in November CONUS – A & CONUS-WIND
Konus-A instrument : Konus-A instrument : System consist of 3 spectrometric scintillation detectors with NaI(TL) crystals 200 mm in diameter, 50 mm in height, with beryllium entrance windows and anizotropic diagram of angular sensitivity for the study of the temporal and spectral characteristics of bursts and autonomously localization of their sources; System consist of 3 spectrometric scintillation detectors with NaI(TL) crystals 200 mm in diameter, 50 mm in height, with beryllium entrance windows and anizotropic diagram of angular sensitivity for the study of the temporal and spectral characteristics of bursts and autonomously localization of their sources; small optical telescope with CCD-matrix as the focal plane detector for the search optical activity in the burst sources simultaneously in gamma- and optical spectral ranges; small optical telescope with CCD-matrix as the focal plane detector for the search optical activity in the burst sources simultaneously in gamma- and optical spectral ranges; CONUS – A & CONUS-WIND
The planned launch date of the Russian apparatus is 2006 CONUS – A
“S PECTR -R” (“RadioAstron” Mission) Main scientific goals of the mission: syntheses of high-precision images of various Universe objects, its coordinates measurements and search their variability with the time.
“S PECTR -R” (“RadioAstron” Mission) Main characteristics of the space radiotelescope A beam width of the system is up to 35 microarcseconds (for spare orbit it is up to 10 microarcseconds Spectral bands: wavelength (cm) - 92; 18; 6.2; 1.35 frequency (Ghz) ; 1.66; 4.83; 22.2
“S PECTR -R” (“RadioAstron” Mission) The orbit of the mission : apogee km perigee km declination ° period is equal to 28 hours Guarantied time of activity - 5 years Scientific payload mass kg Pointing accuracy of radiotelescope - 40"
“S PECTR -R” (“RadioAstron” Mission) Planned launch date of the mission is 2007.
Goal of The Project Goal of The Project NUCLEON Direct cosmic ray (CR) measurements in wide energy and charge range in the near-Earth space
Goal of The Project Goal of The Project NUCLEON -to verify astrophysical models of high-energy CR origin, acceleration and propagation in our Galaxy; - to verify an astrophysical model of intrastellar nucleus synthesis with neutron capture, to investigate chemical evolution of matter in our Galaxy.
Below «The G.Christiansen Spectal Knee» “NUCLEON”
« the knee» Н Fe Energy spectra of cosmic rays below the knee ? 1 PeV
The NUCLEON device includes charge measuring system, tracker and energy measuring system, the trigger system, control electronics. The charge measuring system consists of 4 silicon detectors layers. The tracker and energy measuring system consists of: the carbon block with the size 50 50 9 сm3 served as a target, 6 identical layers of micro-strip silicon detectors, 2 identical tungsten layers with the size 50 50 0.7 сm 3 served as a gamma-converter. The trigger system (SC1-SC6) consists of three double layer 16-strip scintillator detectors (size ~ 500 30 0.5 mm 3 ) with a few 1 mm WLS fibers..
- The NUCLEONE device will be placed in pressurized container; - Additional remote control system with its own pressurized container;, Characteristics : -Weight <265 kg (for scientific device <165 kg); -Power consumption <150 W (for scientific device <120 W); -The nominal telemetry rates are expected to be 270 MB per day; - Exposure orbit time ≥5 years; NUCLEON
- The NUCLEONE device will be placed in pressurized container; - Additional remote control system with its own pressurized container;, Characteristics : Geometrical factor >0.10 m2sr for the high-energy component; >0.25 m2sr for the low-energy component NUCLEON
Planned launch date of the mission is Planned launch date of the mission is 2008.
Telescope T-170M for ultraviolet measuremets Scientific payload mass – kg The Spectrum-UV
The Spectrum-UV Project (The World Space Observatory) The important task is to establish the connection between the nearby (z < 2) Universe, covering 80% of the cosmic time and containing most of the baryonic matter, and the early Universe which is being studied in great detail at the redshifted UV wavelengths with the new generation of ~10m telescopes.. The Spectrum-UV
Telescope T-170M Orbital Parameters: Orbital Parameters: apogee – km apogee – km perigee – 500 km perigee – 500 km inclination - 51 ° inclination - 51 ° The operational lifetime – not less than 5-7 years not less than 5-7 years Scientific payload mass – kg The Spectrum-UV
Telescope T-170M Planned launch date of the mission is The Spectrum-UV
Space fluorescence detector for study of EECR The problem is the existence of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cut off at energy 50 EeV. TUS project
TUS H = km f = 1,5 m S = 42 x 42 km 78 x 78 km Atmosphere Field of view: 0,16 X 0,16 rad «Fresnel type» mirror (diameter: 1,8 m) Technical parts: 1. 3 main parts: mirror- concentrator; PM matrix with amplifiers; computer and TM output. 2. Mass about 60 kg; 3. Power consumption about 50 W; 4. Mirrors area about 1.5 m 2 256
AGASA Yakutsk GZK cutoff Around «the ankle» of cosmic rays
Space fluorescence detectors TUS for study of EECR TUS for study of EECR TUS telescope is consisted of 6 Fresnel type mirror segments.
TUS project
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