‘…they all joined together constantly in prayer. (Acts 1: 14) ‘When the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place… (Acts 2:1) All the believers were together… (Acts 2: 44)
‘…every day they continued to meet together…they broke bread in their homes and ate together. (Acts 2: 46) ‘…all the believers used to meet together. (Acts 5: 12).
Tertullian wrote that the Christians’ deeds of love were so noble that the pagan world confessed in astonishment, ‘See how they love one another.’
“We may live amidst violence and terror, but we have such peace because our God is so real to us. We may have lost everything but we have not lost our Lord.” Canon Andrew White Vicar of St George's Church, Baghdad” in Faith under Fire (2011)
Things to think about… If you want to do your head in – read Genesis 1:26. Note that God was in fellowship from the beginning If you want great hope - read Psalm 126. What is your dream?