By Bob DeWaay February 21, 2016 Knowing That We Know Him.


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Presentation transcript:

by Bob DeWaay February 21, 2016 Knowing That We Know Him

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church1  “in this we know” and equivalents is found 10 times in 1John  “Know” is used in two ways: cognitively and relationally  “Have come to know” is in the perfect tense  Knowing God relationally is addressed in Galatians 4:8, 9 1John 2:3a (NASB) By this we know that we have come to know Him....

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church2  “Keep” (te_reo_) means “to perform diligently” (lit. “guard”) as in “keeping Sabbath”  “His” could refer to God (1Jn 1:5) or Jesus (1Jn 2:1)  “If... then” = If keep... then know  2Peter 3:2 – The apostles spoke Christ’s commands 1John 2:3b (NASB) …if we keep His commandments.

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church3  “The one who says” is John’s way of identifying false teachers and their teachings  They claim “gnosis” but reject moral content  This is the antinomian error  Jesus is the prophet like Moses who speaks for God 1John 2:4a (NASB) The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments...

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church4  Jesus called Satan a liar (John 8:44)  “Truth is not in him” reinforces 1John 1:8  Antichrist lies and denies Christ (1John 2:22)  Liars are lost (Revelation 21:8) 1John 2:4b (NASB) …is a liar, and the truth is not in him

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church5  Not knowing God is shown by wicked lives  True knowledge of God means eternal life  God gives believers a heart to know God  We must love the truth

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church6  True relationship with God means integrity and love  Mental-assent-only religion is powerless to change lives Hosea 4:1, 2 (HCSB) Hear the word of the L ORD, people of Israel, for the L ORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land: There is no truth, no faithful love, and no knowledge of God in the land! Cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another.

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church7  This knowledge is relational but must encompass the cognitive as well  Knowing God means abundant life (John 10:10) now and includes eternity John 17:3 (NASB) This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church8  We need God to change us from the inside  If we do not know God we are not His  Knowing God includes orthodox doctrine and having a relationship with Him through faith Jeremiah 24:7 (HCSB) I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am Yahweh. They will be My people, and I will be their God because they will return to Me with all their heart.

Gospel of Grace Fellowshipggf.church9  Satan’s message is “the lie”  Christ’s message is “the truth”  Those who reject “the truth” are put under the judgment of hardening and will believe “the lie” 2Thessalonians 2:10, 11 (NKJV) and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie.