DCSS/CCSAS Project Locate and Enforcement Interfaces:V2 September 19, Annual Child Support Training Conference and Expo
Page 2 Introduction Purpose Provide information regarding CCSAS Locate Functionality: Where does locate data come from? How does locate work? How does locate affect your work? Wrap-up/Q & A Presenters Audrey Mozaffari (Facilitator – DCSS/TSD-CIMB) Vic Johnson (Presenter - DCSS/TSD-CMIB) Christine Mock (Presenter -DCSS/TSD-CCSAS Project) Jim Mohler (Presenter - CCSAS Project/ BP) Handouts Locate Flows CCSAS Business Environment
Where Does Locate Data Come From? Vic Johnson
Page 4 What is Locate? Information concerning the physical whereabouts of the custodial party, noncustodial parent, noncustodial parent's employers, or the noncustodial parent's sources of income or assets which is used for the purpose of establishing paternity and establishing, modifying, and/or enforcing a child support obligation.
Page 5 Child Support Locate Uses Obtain member demographics Name information aliases, maiden names, other married name Social Security Numbers Date of Birth Driver’s licenses Personal description information Obtain address information Obtain employment information Locate possible asset sources Quarterly wage, unemployment or disability benefit information, and property tax information for recording abstracts in counties where NCP owns property Use information to support Establishment and Enforcement activities Serve Summons & Complaint, Wage/Health Assignments, Review & Adjustments, and determining child support amounts
Page 6 Locate Processing Locate is done at the ‘Participant’ level; not the ‘Case’ level Locate requests are generated automatically based on Locate Need by CSE, ARS, CASES systems and/or by caseworkers and DCSS OPS staff whenever there is a need to perform Locate as the next appropriate action or activity Responses are received, validated and processed by the CSE system, with updates sent to the Consortia Systems if information is new or updated Validated responses generate users tasks and verification letters as necessary based upon response data
Page 7 CCR Compliance Timeframes The LCSAs shall use all appropriate locate sources when the NCP’s location is unknown (22 CCR § ) The LCSAs has 75 days to access all appropriate state, federal, and local locate sources after it has been determined that the NCP is lost or assets need to be located (22 CCR § ) The LCSAs is to act immediately when new information is received that could lead to locating an NCP or NCP’s assets (22 CCR § ) Within five business days of determining that contact with a CP has been lost and that CP must be located because the LCSA has a child support collection to distribute to that CP, the LCSA shall attempt to locate the CP for six months using the same locate resources available to locate an NCP (22 CCR § )
Page 8 Automatic Locate Needs Depending on type of key locate information that is missing, one or more of the following locate needs may be assigned to a Participant TriggerLocate Need IV-D NCP Identity – New Data New: Name (e.g., alias) SSN IV-D NCP Identity – Missing Data Missing: Verified SSN, or Date of Birth (DOB) IV-D NCP Whereabouts Invalid, Inactive, or Missing: Verified Physical Address, or Verified Work Address, or Verified Mailing Address Non IV-D WhereaboutsInvalid, Inactive, or Missing: Participant Address IV-D CP WhereaboutsInvalid, Inactive, or Missing: Participant Address Initiating Interstate (Out-of-State) Unverified: Out-of-state Physical Address, or Out-of-state Work Address, or Out-of-state Mailing Address
Page 9 User Initiate Locate Need User Initiated Needs include: EDD, DMV, and FPLS locate need FPLS adoption, custody and visitation, and parental kidnapping FTB taxpayer, financial, and city business information Responding Interstate or International locate need User initiated paper-based request to CP, employer, external agency, external party or other jurisdiction
Page 10 V1/V2 Business Environment
Page 11 V2 Business Environment
Page 12 Locate Sources Automated Out-of-state Federal Case Registry (FPLS, NDNH, etc.) CSENet (L01s) In-State DMV (Drivers License, Vehicle Registration) EDD (Wages, UI/DI, Employers) FTB (Tax Information) In-State (Pending) BOE (Property Tax Exemption) DHS (Vital Statistics) Automated Secondary IV-A, etc. Manual Child Support Participants Private/public sources
Page 13 Requisite Data for Locate Requisite Participant data necessary to submit a automated locate request to an identified source Locate PartnerRequisite Locate Data CSENet (Quick Locates) Name + (DOB or SSN) + Case Id FCR/FPLS Name + (SSN or DOB or SSN of Spouse) DMV DLN + first 3 characters of last name; or Full Name + DOB EDD SSN FTB Name + (SSN or Address) BOE (PTEF) N/A DHS (Vital Statistics) N/A
Page 14 Locate Response Information SourceTypeAddressEmploymentSSNDOBLicense CSENetQuick Locates Provided DMVDL, VRProvidedNot ProvidedProvided EDDNER, ICR, QW, UI/DI Provided (not all) Not Provided FCRFPLS, NDNH, QW, UI Provided Not Provided FTBTax Informatio n Provided Not Provided ParticipantOn-LineProvided BOEPTEFParcel Number Not ProvidedProvidedNot Provided DHSVital StatsProvidedNot ProvidedProvided Not Provided
Page 15 Locate Frequency Locate PartnerExchange Frequency CSENet (Quick Locates) Daily FCR (Federal Parent Locator Service) Daily DMV (Drivers License and Vehicle Registration) Daily EDD (New Hire, Abstracts – Wage, UI/DI, Addresses Client & Employer) Daily (NER, Locate) Weekly (ICR) FTB (Tax Information) Weekly BOE (Property Tax Exemptions) Annual DHS (Vital Statistics) Monthly
Page 16 Locate File Exchanges
Page 17 Response Validation Methods Standard Processing Match on first and last name and SSN and DOB If response includes a DOB or SSN that has previously been identified as invalid, Locate Response Record will be as ‘Rejected’ SSN Only Processing Match on SSN only Name Only Processing Match on Name only SSN and Partial Name Processing Match on SSN and partial first name and partial last name Effective Date and SSN Processing If the effective date is greater than the current date minus 1 year, match on SSN, otherwise reject No Validation No match performed and data is accepted
Page 18 Response Validation Methods The following table lists different validation methods Validation Strategy File/Record Type(s) Perform Standard Processing DMV – DL (unexpired) EDD – NER, ICR, UI/DI (Client) FTB (Income Data) FCR – Proactive Query, IRS (1099), MSFIDM, Not Found, Data Not Available, QW, W-4 Perform SSN Only Processing EDD – UI (Claim), UI/DI (Payment) FCR – DOD/OPM, FBI, IRS, SSA, DVA, UI, QW, W4 Perform Name Only Processing DMV – Vehicle Registration
Page 19 Response Validation Methods Validation methods (cont.) Validation Strategy File/Record Type(s) SSN and Partial Name Processing EDD QW (UI/DI) Effective Date and SSN Processing FCR (Title II, Title XVI) Reject Response EDD (Wage Claim) DMV (Expired License) FTB (Income 3+ Years) No Validation FCR (DMDC)
Page 20 Non-Response Thresholds The table illustrates the business logic used to determine when: Locate Partner is considered “non- responsive”, or Sufficient attempts have been made to exhaust the automated request process Periodic Locate Need CCSAS continually assesses whether participate key locate data is missing or has changed, and generates a periodic locate need to update and verify the information every 90 days. Locate Partner Non-Response Timeframe Non-Response Threshold CSENet45 Business Days2 Attempts EDD5 Business Days2 Attempts FCR/FPLS45 Business DaysN/A DMV5 Business Days2 Attempts FTB10 Business Days2 Attempts BOE (match) Not Applicable DHS (match) Not Applicable
How Does Locate Functionality Work? Jim Mohler
Page 22 CCSAS Locate Functionality Locate Processing Requests and Triggers Responses and resultant activities Locate Data Synchronization Approach Response Validation Synchronizing Response Data Synchronization Flows
Page 23 LCSA Transitions and Locate Transitioned LCSAs vs. Non Transitioned LCSAs Synchronization CCSAS functionality to maintain consistent participant data across CSE and county databases
Page 24 Data Sources
Page 25 Synchronization Approach Statewide participant: the single CSE participant for all participants in the system. CSE county participant view: CSE representation of data in the county system and data synchronized but not yet accepted Shared participant: a participant that exists in multiple counties or in at least one county and a non IV-D case Controlling county: the county that controls the data statuses in the statewide view. The controlling county status will take precedence when data conflicts. Control is assigned to the county most likely to have accurate data.
Page 26 Statewide and County View Joe Brown /15/ Main Street 222 F Street (San Diego County View) Joe Brown /15/ Main Street 222 F Street (El Dorado view is the Statewide view) Joe Brown /15/ Main Street 222 F Street San Diego ARS Alameda CASES (Alameda County View)
Page 27 Synchronizing Response Data CSE receives a Locate Response CSE matches the Locate Response to the intended Statewide participant CSE validates the Locate Response with the Statewide participant CSE associates any new data from the Locate Response to the Statewide participant CSE associates any new data from the Locate Response to the County View and sends down the new data to the counties in a Locate Response File.
Page 28 Synching of Data Attributes CCSAS synchronizes the following attributes across shared participants: Names DOBs SSNs Demographic Data (e.g. Birth City, Birth State, Hair Color, Height, Weight, etc…) Addresses Phone Numbers Employment Electronic Fund Transfer information
Page 29 Synchronizing Response Data Locate Partner Locate Response (New Data for County 1) Locate Response (New Data for County 2) Locate Response (New Data for County 3) CSE Updates Database with new data
Page 30 Types of Synchronization State Case Registry – Event driven process that updates CSE Statewide database with changes made in consortia systems. Daily Synchronization – Event driven process that updates Consortia Systems with data reflected in CSE Statewide database. On-Update On-Link (Participant Merge)
Page 31 Daily Synchronization
Page 32 ‘On Update’ - County
Page 33 ‘On Update’ – Online
How Does Locate Affect Your Work? Christine Mock
Page 35 What We Have Seen Addresses Prisoner Information Forms (ONTWs, NMSNs, etc.)
Page 36 Improvements Refinement of Address Match Logic Address match logic has been refined to match on addresses using an “address key” rather than address line 1, line 2, line 3, city, state and zip Address Key = (concatenation of line 1 + line 2 + line 3 with removal of punctuation and spaces) + 1st five digits of zip code Refinement of Employer Match logic Match on first 8 characters of Employer Derived Name + FEIN, and if this is not successful; Match on first 8 characters of Employer Derived Name + Address Finalist Scrubbing of Participant and Employer Addresses Locate now only sends out Address Verification forms for “Primary” addresses
Page 37 What You Can Do Today Do not guess on (Name, SSN, DOB, etc.). If you do not know, then leave ‘blank’ Enter information into appropriate input field/area If NCP provides SSN, do not just enter it into your events/case notes, enter it into the Participant’s SSN field On New Case Openings and Re-Open Cases, check Participant demographics for invalid data/information
Wrap-up Audrey Mozaffari
Page 39 Process Highlights Change Management Coordination Committee (CMCC) Process for reviewing issues and design changes into CCSAS CMCC Interface Workgroup membership Locate Task Force Identification of Locate processing issues Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) Continuous monitoring and refinement of locate related processes Identification and implementation of new locate sources