WHAT GIFTS SHALL WE BRING?? Thanks for supporting the Christmas Special Day offering which goes to Regional Ministry of the Christian Church in Ohio. Use slides 1-3 to set a background theme for the entire worship service; for announcements during Advent; or simply delete them. You may edit the photos to show members of your congregation participating in Regional Ministry. You may delete these instructions and use the background of this slide.
Congregations from across the life of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will offer gifts this season to the work of the universal church and the expansion of God’s kingdom.
What Gifts Shall We Bring? Christmas Offering for the Christian Church in Ohio December 15 & 22
The Christian Church in Ohio is a faithful part of the work of Christ around the world
We are a covenant network of congregations…
…in mission
…in worship
…in study
…in fellowship
…in giving
The Christian Church in Ohio offers opportunities for all ages to strengthen spiritual life…
…to be the faithfully passionate leaders of today…
..and the hope of the church tomorrow
The Christian Church in Ohio networks pastors and churches together for transformation
The Regional Church calls the faithful to start New Congregations...
…and celebrates the history of faithfulness.
The Regional Church provides Pastoral Care for Clergy and Congregations
Each gift made to the Christmas Offering goes to support the work and ministry of the Christian Church in Ohio.