“Little Boy” Atomic Bomb By: Joey Torres
Little Boy Facts The bomb was made possible bye the mixture of chemicals and radiation that now causes the disease known as leukemia. TThe bomb was made possible bye the mixture of chemicals and radiation that now causes the disease known as leukemia.
Here are the websites I used to find these facts. mic-bomb-facts.html mic-bomb-facts.html mic-bomb-facts.html mic-bomb-facts.html
More Fact About “Little Boy The Little Boy Bomb Was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6th TThe Little Boy Bomb Was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6th
Even more facts! Even more facts! The People Of Hiroshima Were not expecting the bomb dropping it happened quick but it was a horrible explosion. It let out radiation in all directions so whoever didn’t get killed by the bomb were seriously injured or were diagnosed with Leukemia.
Here are some pictures