Climate Change Image: Su Yin Khoo
The Sea is Rising…
Warming… Ocean temperatures at 1000 to 700 m depth with yellow is warming at 0.01 to 0.02 o C/year and orange up to 0.4 o C/year from 1950s to 1980s. Source: S. Gille, 2002, Science
… and Acidifying Image © Glynn Gorick
Parts of Antarctica are warming too After Steig et al., Nature, 2009 Degrees C per year
Ice is Melting Source: Earth Observatory, NASA
Image Courtesy of Dan Zwartz
Adelies on the move Image: Judith McKendry
Changing Winds and Currents Image Courtesy of NIWA
Our 100,000 year cycles Since 1900
CO 2 now off the chart Since Now
Forecast 2 degree warming Joshi et al 2011
Ross Ice Shelf Today Last Time CO 2 Hit Today’s Levels
Gone by 2100 Photo by Ray Hoare 33% Sea Ice
Risk from Sea Level Rise - Wellington