Hemopoietic &Trauma RTEC 91
TB due to HIV
patient with known AIDS
Skin lesions due to Kaposi's Sarcoma
Kaposi's Sarcoma Multiple "shaggy" nodules Found along small vascular bundles of the lungs
Multiple myeloma
multiple myeloma well-circumscribed skeletal defects
multiple myeloma
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
demonstrates mass effect on bowel loops within the abdomen with displacement of bowel loops to the periphery of the abdominal cavity
PET – CT & CXR Hodgkin's disease
Sickle Cell Anemia causing humeral head infarction and osteonecrosis Individuals with sickle cell disease are predisposed to osteomyelitis secondary to ischemic injury of both bone and GI tract
bilateral femoral head infarcts & osteonecrosis due to sickle cell
Trauma Ch. 11
I, II & III Trauma Centers
Subdural hematoma
Smiths’ FX
Colles FX
Monteggia’s fracture
Maisonneuve fracture
Pott’s fracture trimalleolar fracture & dislocation of the joint
Old compression FX
Compression fx
Common Skeletal FX Avulsion FX Boxer FX Colles FX Smith FX Bimalleolar FX Trimalleolar FX Pott FX Jefferson FX
Jefferson’s Fracture Burst fracture of the ring of C1
Bimalleolar FX
Boxer FX
Elevation of both fat pads
Makes the diagnosis easier
comminuted fracture soft tissue edema
Part of the elbow most often fracture?
FX of the Radial Head
FX & Dislocation of the Olecranon
5 th metatarsal transverse FX
transverse fractures
impacted fracture
Pathologic fracture
depressed fracture of the occipital bone
linear skull fracture of the parietal bone
Maxilla FX
depressed fracture
Lateral wall of the Maxilla FX
Blow out FX
Mandibular FX Usually bilateral
Avulsion FX of Lateral Epicondyle
Surgical Neck FX
Femoral Neck FX
Oblique fx 5 metatarsal
Importance of more than 1 view
Femoral Neck FX
Greenstick FX
FX which bone?
Child Abuse? Twisting motion
Spiral FX
Clavicle FX Old or New ?
FX styloid process
Name that FX?
Name that fx ?
Self inflicted
Why not fix the fibula?
Name the fx ?
How do you adjust your technique?
Describe the fx ?
fractured right kidney
pneumoperitoneum perforation of the stomach
Subcutaneous emphysema
Name this FX?
Nasal Bone FX ? What projection is this? What is the CR entrance point & positioning criteria for a lateral ? Which projection should be performed to determine displacement to the RT or LT ?
Bone Repair Process
Hemopoietic &Trauma Questions ?