Copyright © 2014 by The University of Kansas Developing a Local Time Dollars Program
Copyright © 2014 by The University of Kansas What are time dollars Time Dollars are a currency that turns time into money. Volunteers in Time Dollars programs earn credits for the time they spend helping other members. Then in turn, you can "buy" an hour of a service you need.
Copyright © 2014 by The University of Kansas Who should develop a Time Dollars program? Anyone who sees needs in his or her community which are not being met.
Copyright © 2014 by The University of Kansas How do you develop a Time Dollars program First, ensure that you have a committed group of people that is ready to work and serve each other. Develop a core group of people who will be working on the program Gather the resources your program will need. Decide how much money to spend on the program. Develop the tracking materials you will need to follow volunteers and their efforts. Check on the legalities of your work. Develop a way to evaluate your work. Recruit members. Get started! Celebrate! Evaluate your work.
Copyright © 2014 by The University of Kansas What exactly do Time Dollars members do? Personal care. Care for family members. Help with household chores. Help outside the home. An escort to the doctor. Language translation services. Telephone support services. Peer counseling. Education. Administrative support of the program.
Copyright © 2014 by The University of Kansas Why should you develop a Time Dollars program? To empower people with a sense of self worth. To strengthen the communities in which we live. To make sure that all of the members of our communities receive the help that they need.