A. Philip Randolph Campus High School Town Hall Meeting
Why are we in High School? Preparation for college Academic skills Preparation for careers Follow through Attendance Ability to work with others Preparation for adult life Goal setting Learning how to manage your own affairs
High School versus Middle School Permanent record Stays with you forever Records your final grades, disciplinary history, and attendance. Can be used as a reference for the rest of your life – Job reference, court cases – Applications to undergraduate, graduate, post graduate work You do not have to graduate high school 2013 four year graduation rate: 66% 10.6% of students dropped out of school in 2013
Why it is important to graduate High School: Money As reported by the National Center for Education Statistics, the median of earnings for young adults (25 – 34): $22,900 for those without a high school diploma $30,000 for those with high school diploma $37,000 for those with an associates degree $45,000 for those with bachelor’s degree $59,200 for those with a master’s degree or higher
Why it is important to graduate High School: Job Security As reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2013 the unemployment rate for persons over the age of 25 was: 12.3% for persons without a high school diploma 8.1% for persons with a high school diploma 6.7% for persons with an associate degree 3.8% for persons with a bachelors degree or higher 2.4% for persons with a masters degree or higher 2.0% for persons with a terminal or doctoral degree
Summary High School graduates earn more money and are out of work less often than non high school graduates. College graduates earn even more money and are out of work less often than high school graduates. The greatest investment that you can make in your future is to graduate high school on time and attend college.
Steps to improve academic performance Henry Ford said : ”Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you are right.” Step one to improving your performance in anything is deciding that you can.
Steps to improve academic performance Further steps: 2.The second step is realizing that it is never too late to improve your permanent record 3.The third step is arriving to school on time 4.The fourth step is getting to class on time 5.The fifth step is being actively engaged in class 6.The sixth and final step is doing your homework and studying to prepare for class.
Public Perception Most people you meet do not know you personally. People make inferences about you based on how you dress and how you present yourself. When you act thuggish or foolish in public you are providing people with information to form an opinion about you. This opinion is important because it often influences decisions that are made about you. Social media and video clips of you are often seen by more people than you intend. Your public image in society is a valuable commodity as it either opens or closes doors for you.
Pierina De La Cruz Guidance Counselor (Class of 2019) See me for: Concerns with: 1.Your schedule 2.Graduation Requirements 3.ANY problems at school or home Contact Information: (212) x1085 Office: 108F
Hylenne Goris Guidance Counselor (Class of 2019) See me for: Concerns with: 1.Your schedule 2.Graduation Requirements 3.ANY problems at school or home Contact Information: (212) x1090 Office: 109A
Ana Cruz College Counselor See me for: The College Admissions Process Researching Colleges Contact Information: (212) x1087 Office: 108G
Counselors Presentation
Importance of Daily Attendance You are required to be here at least 90% of the time. We are humans and as such we understand that you might have an emergency (dental and or medical appointments. If possible schedule these appointments for after school and non- school days). However, our goal is for you to be in school ALL 182 school days and BE ON TIME!! “Good Habits” take a life time to instill and develop but it takes two seconds to create, what society refer to as “Bad Habits”. Research shows that chronic absenteeism widen the achievement, graduation and post- secondary enrollment gaps - and contributes to juvenile crime, teen pregnancy and many other issues. It is simply a problem that we cannot afford to disregard. Remember, good habits last a life time!!!
Freshman This Summer Build your Resume Begin College Search/Visit Colleges Volunteermatch.org Scholarships – Fastweb.org Looking Ahead…PSAT October of your Sophomore Year.
Deans Presentation Sweeps and consequences Lateness, clarification of the late bell Cell phones and hats The Cafeteria Bathroom policy Prevention and peer mediation Building Cameras Door Alarms