Tips for Teens Challenge yourself to be the best version of yourself.
2 September 2014 What are some of the obstacles that could keep you from succeeding and reaching your goals?
Be the change you want to see. Don’t complain about what others are doing, look to yourself Control yourself Everyone of us can make a difference
Serve others Helping others, makes you feel proud. Scientific fact that serving others makes people healthier and happier. Practice random acts of kindness with people around you.
Teach love and respect Share this as often as you can. Spread the message. Check yourself often.
Be a positive leader Have fun! Smile and celebrate often. Enjoy yourself without hurting others. Appreciate your friends, family, and yourself.
Remember you are a role model to others You decide what kind Younger kids watch you and imitate you-make sure you are doing what you want them to do.
Empty your emotional balloon on a regular basis Find safe places to share what’s in your heart. Find adults and friends who you trust who will listen to you.
Teach the adults in your life Remember, adults aren’t perfect. Speak up and remind them to be good role-models. Adults can help support your endeavors to make the world a better place- talk to them.
Compliment and thank others Let the people you love know that you love them. Use put-ups, not put-downs. A kind word can save someone’s life. Look for the good in others. If you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
You are 100% responsible for your own choices Avoid blaming others for your mistakes. Say you are sorry. It takes a bigger person to admit they were wrong than it does to blame out behavior on others.
Interrupt put-downs, teasing, and all other forms of violence Stand up for others and they will stand up for you. Stand by what you believe is right. Everyone deserves equal respect.
Follow your heart Find your dream and hang out with people who will support and celebrate them. Never settle for anything less. Everyone has special gifts and talents.
Take care of your environment School, home, your community- the way you treat yourself and your world is a reflection of the way you feel inside. Every choice you make in some way affects those around you.
Make positive art Express your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions through poetry, music, and art whenever possible. Brighten the world around you with positive messages.
Become a mentor Share your lessons, love and support with younger peers. Make a difference in someone else’s life.
Blog your “Acts of Change” online Share your accomplishments online. Create a support network that celebrates positive change and people’s accomplishments.
Meet a potential new friend everyday Say hello to everyone you see. Share a smile. A kind word or compliment can be the first step in creating a lifelong friendship.
Tell the truth Trust works both ways- the only way you can trust another person is to be trustworthy yourself
Just listen Best gift you can give. Don’t offer advice unless asked for it You don’t have to fix or change the person, just listen.
Enjoy learning Ask questions. Find out why things are the way they are. Think for yourself, form your own opinions. Express your beliefs and stand by them, even when under pressure to conform.
Welcome and include others Everyone knows what it feels like to be excluded or left out- invite someone new into your group. Don’t let someone be alone and on the outside, invite them in.