LOVE What is it?
The Greeks Love is so broad – you can love your brother, love your cat and love your wife but each love is different from the other! The Greeks have four words for different types of Love 1.Agape – selfless love (God’s love of Man) 2.Storge – a familial love 3.Philia – like love between friends 4.Eros – sexual love
Called to Love “God who created man out of love also calls him to love the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being. For man is created in the image and likeness of God who is himself love.” CCC 1604 Hence: WE MUST LOVE!
In Love? At some point of your life you will experience the feeling of being “in love.” It is that in- describable feeling that is just amazing! However it is important to remember that “Love is a Decision”
Love Languages There are many ways to express love and there are many ways to feel loved. Some people need to be constantly affirmed to feel loves, others won’t feel loved unless you spend time with them and some feel most loved when you give them a hug. This is because they speak different “Love Languages.” No one language is better than another – they are just different.
1. Quality Time Whether it be walks on the beach, eating a meal together or just being in the company of another, spending time with others can be an effective way of conveying love
2. Words of Affirmation Some people need to be told they are loved. You can tell others they are appreciated and special in many different ways, from compliments to sending greeting cards
3. Gifts Whether bought gifts of little or great value or things you make yourself the giving of gifts shows love for another. For people who like to receive gifts giving them when unexpected is often a very powerful way of showing love
4. Physical Touch Not just hugs and kisses, but any touch out of affection can show love. Hugs will always be appreciated, but also just a hand on the shoulder or other appropriate touches will show love
5. Acts of Service This could be helping someone out with some housework, painting a friends house or as little as holding the door open for someone. Everyone likes a little help from time to time, but for some people this is more significant
Marissa (14) Marissa (14) “I love it when my dad takes me with him when he goes fishing. To be honest with you, I really don’t like those smelly things. But I like being with Dad. We talk about all kinds of things and I really love getting up early. It’s the best time I have with him”
Jessica (17) “I know that sometimes I’m hard to live with. My parents have put up with a lot of my moods. I guess it’s just being a teenager, but when they hug me or even touch my arm, I feel like everything is going to be OK. It’s like a calming thing. I know that they really love me”
Todd (17) “I’ve got the greatest dad in the world… He taught me how to mow grass, start a business, and make money so I could buy a car. Last week he showed me how to change the spark plugs”
Michelle (15) “Everything I have they gave me. In my mind that’s love. They have given me not only the things I need, but far more. In fact, I share things with my friends whose parents can’t afford them”
Primary? Secondary? Each of us have one or two ways that we most appreciate receiving love. We also have one or two ways in which we are most comfortable expressing love. (They are not always the same) Take a guess as to what your main love language is
Take the Test Complete the test sheet given. For each of the 30 questions you are to choose the option (a or b) you most prefer. If you are uncertain follow your instinct.
Marking the Test Tally the marks in the five boxes on the right of the test sheet. Q = Quality Time, W = Words of Affirmation, G = Gifts, P = Physical Touch, A = Acts of Service The Max for any given Love Language is 12
1.aW6.aQ11.aQ bPbPbW 2.aQ7.aG12.aA bAbWbP 3.aG8.aP13.aW bQbWbG 4.aA9.aQ14.aQ bPbGbP 5.aP10.aW15.aW bGbAbA
16.aP21.aQ26.aP bQbAbG 17.aA22.aG27.aW bGbWbQ 18.aW23.aG28.aG bQbAbP 19.aP24.aQ29.aA bAbGbW 20.aA25.aA30.aP bGbQbW