Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals Environmental Education Outreach Program April 2007 IAQ Building Assessments
Northern Arizona University The Mountain Campus Flagstaff, AZ
Presentation EEOP Mission and Goals IAQ Building Assessments Summer Scholars 2006 IAQ – Internship 2006 Outreach to Schools IAQ Tools for Schools National Symposium IAQ – Internship 2007
Mission Statement “ Using culturally appropriate environmental education materials, with an emphasis on interaction between schools and communities, the Environmental Education Outreach Program (EEOP) raises awareness and knowledge of local environmental issues in tribal schools and communities, thereby encouraging tribal students to enter environmental careers and fostering tribal sovereignty and self-determination.”
Primary Goals –Recruitment and retention of tribal students in environmental, engineering, and health careers. –Effective science literacy programs in tribal schools –Tribal Environmental Professionals doing effective environmental education and outreach –Better learning environment in all tribal schools (Indoor Air Quality)
Indoor Air Quality Building Assessments
IAQ Project Resources Tools For Schools Program, USEPA Hydroville Program, Oregon State University IAQ Protocols, TEEOP –Developed with assistance from Rich Prill, Washington State University
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Kit
The Hydroville IAQ Curriculum Project Project Description The Hydroville Curriculum Project was developed to improve high school students' academic performance and stimulate interest in problem- solving, environmental health science, decision making, teamwork and social responsibility.
IAQ Protocols Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Radon / Radioactivity Particles Temperature (air / surface) Relative Humidity Moisture Others
TEEOP IAQ Building Assessment Help school staff take basic steps to improve IAQ Help students and teachers investigate and improve their IAQ Help students and teachers advocate for change Learn “scientific process” Improve academic learning (proper ventilation) Increase awareness of local environment
Summer Scholars 2006
Summer Scholars 2006… Indoor Air Quality measurements
Students learning and doing
Indoor Air Quality Short Internship Program
Internship Program Short Internship Program (SIP) –1 to 2 weeks –College students or High School students Tribal Environmental Professionals –1 to 2 weeks –Education and Outreach
Outreach to Schools
Asthma Activity
Outreach to Schools
IAQ Tools for Schools National Symposium
Steve Zientek, a teacher from Shonto Preparatory High school Elyse-Rae Perez and Apphie Grisham, students from Northern Arizona Helen Peshlakai, chaperone
Summer 2007… IAQ SIP Session(s) Recruiting teams of students and tribal professionals
Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Mansel A. Nelson, Senior Program Coordinator Matthew Zierenberg, Program Coordinator Environmental Education Outreach Program (EEOP) Northern Arizona University (NAU) Voice FAX PO Box 5768, Flagstaff, AZ 86011