Welcome to Health Education A High School Credit Course
Mrs. Stivers Teaching 29 th year - Health, PE, Math, Science, and Coaching Personal Married 27 years 3 sons Masters degree in Health and Physiology
Conference Times Conference period 3:05-3:45 Best way to contact me is by Coaches Office
Supplies Daily: Health spiral and journal book required Pencil & pen Donation Appreciated: Box of tissues
Class web site contains class notes, assignments, and testing information Go to “Campuses” – “Intermediate” –“Schindewolf” – “Athletics” - “T Stivers” - or
Healthy Living Becoming Health Literate Consumers Personal Fitness Program Nutrition and Eating Habits (example – Eating Disorders)
Relationships, Parenting, Paternity, and Human Development Sexually Transmitted Diseases and other Communicable Diseases Preventing Substance Use and Abuse... Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Continued
Emergency First Aid/ CPR/ AED Injury Prevention Mental Health including Diseases and Disorders (Integrated throughout semester) Continued
Tests and Quizzes are all OPEN NOTE Attend announced sessions Make appointment with me Anyone can raise failing grades and/or raise any major test grade! To make up work, raise grade, or get assistance:
Six Weeks Grading Period Grading: Major Grades – 60% Minimum of 3 tests Minor Grades – 40% Minimum of 6 including: Quizzes – all open note Assignments/Small Projects Interactive Learning grade Spiral Note Check Journal Participation Grade Each six weeks grade counts 28% and final exam counts 16% of final average
Missed Class? Students are responsible for getting class notes off my web page Check “Absent Folders” for any handouts Check assignment board
Thanks for coming tonight! Time passes quickly. Savor the moments.